You understand what I'm saying? We knew we couldn't make it illegal to be either a socialist or black, but by getting the public to associate the leftists with antifa and blacks with BLM, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities.
- Some ghoulish aide to one of your presidents
I see the greatest hits from cold war come back. Waiting for unamerican activities committee against lebron
The real question is when will some poor-as-shit county turn to China to receive foreign development aid?
I mean I kinda spoiled the funniest part but still, there's an Episode of "Well there's your problem" about it.
why hasn't xi shown up at my door with a shipment of arms and us currency yet?
US accusing a perceived threat of trying to train minorities to hate them, as though
A. The US hasn't done that almost everywhere and
B. As if they would need training for that.
Xi should send a couple million copies of Mao's On Guerrilla Warfare to america tbh. You bet your ass the black panthers had it on their reading list to join in
Thought it was already? Also what a horrible racist piece of shit.