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Tragic. My last job would always have me in pointless meetings as a representative from my department "just in case" they needed my advice and I'd say a grand total of 1-3 sentences over two hours.
Ugh, sorry to hear that. If it's any consolation, my in-laws' cat was like that for 4-5 years and he was happy as a clam the whole time, if a bit smelly since he couldn't clean himself well. He fluctuated a lot and we thought it he was at the end like a dozen times, but he always bounced back. Finally came down with something at 23 and passed in his sleep. He was a very good boy and lived a happy, full life.
Yeah probably a good idea, not sure else what I can do that wouldn't be expensive. They sell motion-activated sprinklers but I don't want to accidentally hit an opossum or raccoon or other non-destructive critter. I've also seen people put motion detectors on wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube men, which is hilarious.
Not that I've noticed. But I'll be waiting for him again tonight, hopefully he's been hearing footsteps all day.
I went from a full tower directly to an ITX and it had me wondering wtf I had been smoking all those years.
It's 12:20 AM and I'm currently engaged in psychological warfare with a huge whitetail buck who really wants to get in my yard to presumably scrape the everloving fuck out of my trees with his antlers (specifically my endangered American elm). I've chased him out twice in the last half hour and now he keeps coming back and peering over the fence, looking for me in the yard. I'm hiding on the porch so I can run out and throw a big stick at him the second he jumps over.
Find some other trees, bro, they're literally growing out of the ground all over the place.
Feral boy autumn.
The topic of intersex people/atypical sex chromosomes came up while talking with my wife today, near the end of the conversation I mentioned that Vin Diesel was triple X and she took it seriously so I had to explain the joke lmao
Broke out the flower for the first time in like a month, was definitely the right choice and I slept like a baby vs doomscrolling into the wee hours.
I want the year of four presidents so bad, but I don't want Jorkin Dapenis Vance to be president maybe a little bit more. Someone who isn't me please , then we can have the year of five presidents!
Remember that acceleration towards collapse is happening regardless of who wins, due to the climate crisis - this is just an indicator of how fast, exactly, it's happening.
One good thing about a republican legislature is that it will probably be easier to buy guns. You should do this.
NYT just moved Michigan from "toss-up" into the "lean R" category
A couple of days ago I had some thoughts of regret over not putting money on Trump when Harris was ahead in the betting markets, now I'm really kicking myself for it.
Burgerland isn't just a meme
I can work from home tomorrow, looks like I'm getting uncomfortably high this evening while shitposting and watching the map turn colors.
Can one just freely move to Hart's Location, or is this an invite-only type thing?
I've driven through there once and it's an incredibly scenic area.
Dude is a walking Far Cry 5 character. Was he also wearing a trucker cap and overalls?
The funniest timeline is that they plan another insurrection, but this time Harris sends in the military to handle it and we wind up with a brand new, very long Wikipedia article.
The only thing about the whole ordeal that's 20th century in my state (NJ) is the electricity in the voting booth. Everything else about it feels straight out of the 1800s.
There's no excuse anymore, if you have running water and $30-40 you can enjoy a truly clean butthole and a 90% reduction in toilet paper usage until the end of time.
The first thing I did after buying a bidet was buy a second bidet for the other toilet.