If you work for an anthropology department you're almost certainly a colonialist, probably CIA imperialist

On 13 May 1985, Philadelphia police dropped a bomb from a helicopter on to the roof of a communal house occupied by members of Move, an organization that bore comparison to the Black Panthers combined with back-to-nature environmental activism. In the ensuing inferno, the Move house as well as the entire surrounding neighborhood was razed to the ground.

Eleven people linked to the group were killed. Among them were five children, aged seven to 14.

Last year the city apologized formally

This is funny because a few weeks ago some woke socialist comrade tried to say the extremely segregated poor people in Philly are proof that American workers don't benefit from imperialism. Really makes you think!


the point of "settlers" is ahistorical, anti-science, dishonest, and full of the most disgusting lies about ACTUAL anti-racists.

hell yes I'm anti-science :epstein: