:party-blob: :party-sicko: :party-blob: :party-sicko: :party-blob: :party-sicko: :party-blob: :party-sicko: :party-blob: :party-sicko: :party-blob: :party-sicko: :party-blob: :party-sicko: :party-blob: :party-sicko: :party-blob: :party-sicko: :party-blob: :party-sicko: :party-blob: :party-sicko: :party-blob: :party-sicko: :party-blob: :party-sicko: :party-blob: :party-sicko: :party-blob: :party-sicko: :party-blob: :party-sicko: :party-blob: :party-sicko: :party-blob: :party-sicko: :party-blob: :party-sicko: :party-blob: :party-sicko: :party-blob: :party-sicko: :party-blob: :party-sicko: :party-blob: :party-sicko: :party-blob: :party-sicko: :party-blob: :party-sicko: :party-blob: :party-sicko: :party-blob: :party-sicko: :party-blob: :party-sicko: :party-blob: :party-sicko: :party-blob: :party-sicko: :party-blob: :party-sicko: :party-blob: :party-sicko: :party-blob: :party-sicko: :party-blob: :party-sicko: :party-blob: :party-sicko: :party-blob: :party-sicko:
Nah, you hot! You great! they're loss if they say no!
You're doing them a service asking THEM out
Crush them and and see them driven before you.
I assume. Or whatever is appropriate for the dynamic you are going for.
Reposting for the new megathread:
Not sure if anyone else has been following the Basecamp (tech company) situation but they’ve apparently lost at least
1/41/3 of their employees over it lolTl;dr for the uninitiated is that the CEO and CTO unilaterally decided that discussing politics at work was no longer permitted, committees were no longer allowed (because a diversity and inclusion committee formed in February), removing some of their benefits, and some other libertarian bullshit, then announced the whole thing in a self-fellating Thought Leader™ style blog post without telling employees first. Employees are leaving en-masse and all the solidarity on Twitter has been awesome
discussing politics at work was no longer permitted... libertarian bullshit
Maybe one of the founders learned that people were making seasteading jokes.
Seasteading is the concept of creating permanent dwellings at sea, called seasteads, outside the territory claimed by any government. The term is a blend of sea and homesteading.
Basecamp implodes as employees flee company, including senior staff - The Verge
The final paragraphs...
As The Verge later reported, the initial motivation for the letter stemmed from internal disagreement over a controversial list of “funny names” of Basecamp customers. Several of the names on the list, which resurfaced several times over the years and of which management was well aware, were of Asian or African origin. Employees considered their inclusion inappropriate at best, and racist at worst.
Hansson acknowledged the list and tried to move on (you can read his internal communications here), but employees pressed the issue.
Hansson did not reply to a request for comment from The Verge on Friday.
That's some fun context I was missing, of course it's because they're mad that making fun of people's names was sometimes racist :agony-immense:
I make fun of everyone's names equally! It's just that things like "Jim Williams" and "Matthew Martin" aren't funny!
Just good old fashioned American names. I knew some Billy-Yams back in the day, matter of fact...
buttered billy-yams huh?
how many times do we see something like this play out and yet they dont learn their lesson?
I would love to see capitalists continually eat shit like this over and over
:galaxy-brain: : Politics is just the peasants saying thing I dont like.
How dare they expect their lords to give them an extra allotment of grain for the midsummer festival? Are their lords not already the pinnacle of generosity to allow them to work their land in the first place?
I propose we let this megathread stand until at least tomorrow night because May Day is an excellent holiday.
:Care-Comrade: :CommiePOGGERS: HAPPY MAYDAY COMRADES :CommiePOGGERS: :Care-Comrade:
Uuuuuugh my stomach still kinda hurts from my coworker punching my stomach hard. Multiple times. It's nothing serious, there's a lil sexual tension going on there. This girl should be an MMA fighter, gah damn
Pro tip: don't date coworkers unless one of you is leaving soon.
BLM protests are starting back up in my area, keep your eyes peeled for opportunities for action in your area and stay safe comrades :Care-Comrade:
meeting with atlantic records in a couple weeks gooooood i hope they transfer our contract 🤞
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
We have did it comrades, Canada has achieved communism.
Them comparing their chud convoy to Terry Fox, a man who booked it across Canada on one prosthetic leg for pure altruism, is bonkers
finally home. Incredible posting today comrades lmao. Viva shrekland y shitbird.
gonna get high and play carto. have a great night to the yanks and latam and day for the non-yanks.
I'm marching in Paris tomorrow, solidarity forever ! :solidarity: :marx:
We doing cheers for respecting my bisexuality yeahhh! :hexbear-bi-2:
And my best friend kissed me! (as a joke shush!)
((God, why didn't I go to small parties earlier??? ))
It's a good weekend to be bi :flag-bi-pride:
Congrats on ur bi best friend smooching you, as a bit of course 😘
He says he's straight, yet he's fine with some guys humping him or he humping them. (As a joke! )