North Korea on Sunday warned the United States will face “a very grave situation” because President Joe Biden “made a big blunder” in his recent speech by calling the North a security threat and revealing his intent to maintain a hostile policy against it.

Press secretary Jen Psaki. . . suggested the administration would seek a middle ground between Donald Trump’s “grand bargain” and Barack Obama’s “strategic patience” approaches.

Kim’s powerful sister, Kim Yo Jong, also slammed South Korea over anti-Pyongyang leaflets floated across the border by a group of North Korean defectors in the South. The group’s leader, Park Sang-hak, said Friday he sent 500,000 leaflets by balloon last week, in a defiance of a new, contentious South Korean law that criminalizes such action.

Seoul’s Unification Ministry responded later Sunday saying it opposes any act that creates tensions on the Korean Peninsula and it will strive to achieve better ties with North Korea.

  • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Love the fear mongering like trying to imply that DPRK will nuke someone when all they want is to be left alone.

      • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
        3 years ago

        I'm worried that international capitalism will find another host nation once the US is used up. I don't think they'll at least be on the backfoot during that process though

          • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
            3 years ago

            They'd be primarily blowing up American workers and creating a reason for war. There's a reason the communists don't use nukes. The international bourgeoisie have total freedom of movement, they can just relocate to any other capitalist country and with a flick of the pen make that their "base of operations" and with stuff like GATT and NAFTA, they can overrule national sovereignty. The military will still exist and they'd likely just sell huge portions of it off at bargain prices to whatever the new core will be in the name of rebuilding or something. Then America will just be fully third worldized like every other used up nation.

  • TankieTanuki [he/him]
    3 years ago

    In 1994 the US promised to end all sanctions on North Korea and welcome them into the world of nations, but America reneged just like it did with the Iran deal.

    • SweetCheeks [he/him]
      3 years ago

      how did china manage to play everyone lol didn't even get invaded during the civil war unlike the other asian communist revolutions.

  • SeizeDameans [she/her,any]
    3 years ago

    So, when do we agree to get rid of our nukes in exchange for other countries getting rid of theirs?