Today I spoke to a coworker who had bad experiences with doctors and was seeking recommendations for a new one, then other coworkers chimed in, and so I decided to ask you guys as well. Well, not for a doctor recommendation, but about your bad experienced with doctors?

I'm gonna spoiler mine, because it makes me very uncomfortable, so perhaps it may make someone else very uncomfortable.


I had a doctor who had no business in it make me show my intimate parts (I'm intersex) and she touched them. She was curious, I guess...? She's a psychiatrist, so, again, literally 0 business doing so. I already have trauma from regular people who treat me like a circus display, I really had no need for someone with systemic power over me using it like that...

No, I didn't report this. I was a teenager and barely functioning at the time. :/

  • daisy
    10 months ago

    "It's not whooping cough. Sure, you have all the symptoms of whooping cough and live in an area with an active whooping cough outbreak, doesn't matter, I don't think it's whooping cough."

    multiple visits later in a single week as symptoms worsen

    "Fine, here's a prescription for amoxicillin, you hypochondriac, but I don't think it will do anything for you."

    whooping cough clears up completely

    I do trust medical science but that experience was easily the worst of my adult life. Whooping cough is no joke, folks.

    10 months ago

    I was having some unusual medical issues and went to a doctor recommended by a friend. They seemed OK. I researched their treatment and it seemed OK. After a while I was having severe side effects and decided to find a more main stream doctor, a proper endocrinologist.

    They were appalled at the dosage from the previous doctor. I had been started on 2x the maximum dose! Usually people start at 0.5x the dose and step up if it's not enough.

    That went fine for a bit, but I was having some discomfort administering the medicine and asked my GP. He lost his temper (not at me). The previous 2 doctors had gone straight to the simplest but most side effects solution. He explained that there are 5 different treatments for my condition! I was suffering thru unnecessary side effects because the previous doctors hadn't even discussed these other solutions with me. I wasn't aware of them at all.

    So pissed.

    10 months ago

    My partner was admitted to the hospital when they couldn't inflate his collapsed lung, as it had a hole in it. They put him on a machine that uses negative pressure to keep the lung shaped as it should be. Normally the hole should close but it wasn't. Ended up with surgery but the problem remained. They were coming up with increasingly outlandish theories as to why it wasn't healing, even going so far as to test him for tuberculosis, and listing him as false negative for covid. They also denied him adequate pain management, until one nurse noticed and gave him ibuprofen to go with paracetamol. This was all when the covid vaccine was only just out so I had to sit by helplessly while I'm increasingly realising the level of care he is receiving doesn't match my expectations. But he's never even been in a hospital and self advocacy is not something he's learned.

    Eventually they transfer him to a larger hospital. The doctor there doesn't want to talk straight but between the lines you get the message that he feels the case was entirely mismanaged. They immediately lower the reverse pressure. Hold off on further surgery. Within days healing begins. A week later the lung is healed. It's a miracle...

    Anyway, we looked into legal options but there was a lack of proof. The original doctor followed procedure. Yet I'm 100% convinced that because my partner smokes, has bad teeth and looks like a metalhead, there was prejudice at play. I can't know for sure but I feel like the original doctor blamed my partner and figured she'd have to scare him straight. That didn't help of course, he resumed smoking and he's unwilling to seek help because of this experience. I'm honestly shocked at how this could happen, but as time goes on I've seen in other situations how people immediately conclude a person is lower class and thus must be treated differently. If you do one thing for yourself, look into self advocacy. Especially when it comes to medical stuff. My own level of care started to go up when I began to have a conversation with health professionals, outlining my experience and asking many questions. But I'm a middle class woman with fairly conventional looks, so there is a whole level of prejudice I immediately don't face.

    10 months ago

    After a minor gynecologic surgical procedure I was feeling really anxious and could barely feel anything since the local anaesthetic was still in effect. The doctor left the room, and the nurse (a woman past her 50s) said I peed myself and that I should be careful when leaving since it was likely to happen again. It was all a lie, as I later realised. When I was able to check myself and saw I was perfectly fine and dry, I understood what that fleeting moment of glee on her face was all about.

    Bitch Nurse I hope you die of chronic incontinence if any such thing exists.

    • 𝕃𝕒𝕞𝕓
      10 months ago

      Holy fuck. Why are so many nurses so vile? I had nurses cover me in a pile of extremely warm blankets in a room heated to the highest temperature to a point where it felt like I was having a stroke and were ignoring me telling them how much the temperature hurt. Or nurses leaving in clearly wrongly put in venflons with 0 things scheduled for injections, leaving me in pain, unable to use an arm. I developed a severe phobia of venflons thanks to this. :/

  • usernamesaredifficul [he/him]
    10 months ago

    I kept coming in with early signs of a treatable but very serious condition and they were waved away until it got very bad.

    I'm fine now but easily could have died from it

    • 𝕃𝕒𝕞𝕓
      10 months ago

      I don't get why it's so common. Early treatment is always easier andand yields better results, not to mention patient's suffering is much, much less.

      • usernamesaredifficul [he/him]
        10 months ago

        I do many early symptoms look benign on their own and doctors are often overworked because the stupid government wants to destroy universal healthcare to give the whole thing over to some Norman

    10 months ago

    Anyone with a condition like HIV or cancer will tell you that every ailment you ever report is totes obvs related to that condition and not, you know, a freestanding one that needs its own treatment.

  • /home/
    10 months ago

    Well my doctor uses yahoo mail and tried to make me send PII and pictures of my medical stuff to that email. I sent it password protected using protonmail so it doesn't get stored in yahoo's servers. Nothing too insane but that's pretty much because other than that, my experiences with doctors have been alright.

    10 months ago

    I was sick and my throat hurt, so my mom and I went to see a doctor, my usual pediatrician was off for some reason and we went to different doc, he was young by the look. I opened my mouth so he could see what's wrong, he covered his nose and shut my mouth this instant and told it was a virus infection, it was clear that he didn't even think before answering, so mother just treated my throat like it was Angina and pain got away. Seen this doc 2 times after and he just gave general advices like eat vitamins and stuff.

    Why even become a doctor if you not gonna treat your patients, specially children?

    10 months ago

    Your story is quite something. Can't beat that.

    For mine:
    I suspect my orthodontist messed up my jaw as my bite is now skewed to one side (left is deeper than right).
    Reason for why: I got removable braces (was/am afraid of glued braces in regards to feeling and social stigma) and they had a bridge in the back. Since the resting position of the tongue is around where the the metal wire bridge was it cut into the sides and I probably compensated by lowering my tongue position.
    If I swallow the accumulated saliva I'd push the tip of my tongue against my front teeth and by that pushing apart the gap between my jaw rows.
    The orthodontist obviously denied it but I am still thinking about that. and it would all add up...

  • arabiclearner
    10 months ago

    Failing to diagnose properly, if at all

    Acting like they are superior in every way

    Getting upset if you research stuff yourself beforehand

    Telling you that it's either "stress-related" or "age-related"

    Etc. Etc.

    10 months ago

    Felt depressed, low energy, not putting on muscle despite biking. Family practice doc said let's test your testosterone. Ok, it was low, very low. He checked my TSH and then prescribed testosterone replacement therapy. I was young and worried about having kids. He said that the T would not affect my sperm count. My wife said he needed to run a few more tests, but he dismissed her A few years later we're looking at adoption, because surprise, the T made me infertile. We decided to pause the adoption process and my wife went to med school. During which she was vindicated and I went to a proper endocrinologist, who put me on HCG and now we have 3 kids.