So there's a new PSL chapter starting up in my town and I got to meet Gloria La Riva yesterday which was awesome. But I just found out there's also the PCUSA which is more ML? Does it matter which one i join if I want to do praxis stuff?

  • RedArmor [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I never heard back from the PSL even months after I tried to contact them. There are a lot of trots, and don’t recognize themselves as a vanguard or Revolutionary party.

    I was contacted the next day by the General Secretary of the PCUSA and he interviewed me. It’s a serious party, with plenty of commissions, outreach, classes and education programs. Each state has their own club, and are each within regions. There are chairs at each level, and elections occur after your candidacy is complete (12 months). During that time you do things for the party, attend meetings, and are encouraged to study and research your own. Representatives from each club and their corresponding commissions they are in, report back in monthly meetings of your club.

    We have a signal chat with a few clubs in our region to better organize and build off of each other. We joke, share news, give each other advice, and are very much comradely with each other.

    Other organizations and outreach programs are highly encouraged, not only to spread word about the PCUSA, but to show that the propaganda everyone is fed about communism/socialism is wrong and twisted.

    Also, PCUSA is exclusively Marxist-Leninist party, but we read works and theory from other revolutionaries. Most recently our club did On Contradiction by Mao.