So a right wing gay ( who is part of some un program) shared how he loves israel for this ! Idk how to feel about this tho !!

  • mathemachristian [he/him]
    10 months ago

    Show Picture of Leslie Feinberg at a rally with the following quote next to her: Colonialism and imperialism have always tried to foment conflicts in order to divide and conquer. In the case of Palestinians, as the Lebanese LGBT group Helem concluded, “The rights of gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgenders should not be placed in competition with the long struggle of the Palestinian people, including Palestinian LGBT people, for self-determination, for the right to return to their homes, and the struggle against apartheid and the occupation of their lands.”
Today we see how the imperialists—the U.S. to Israelis—use the experiences of women, of gays, of transgenders as pretexts for imperialist war. The white supremacist ideology replaces the colonial claim of “bringing civilization,” into imperialist claims that they are “bringing democracy.” But Washington and Tel Aviv have brought ruthless reactionary occupations to the Middle East.
And I will be with you on the day that we tear down the colonial garrison state of Israel and Palestine is free from this racist, theocratic, apartheid imperialist occupation—the day when all those who planted the olive trees will taste the fruit of freedom.
From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free! Long live Palestinian Aswat!