• hazefoley [he/him]
    3 years ago

    If wikipedia is to be trusted on this, the Incans were not socialist. Which is fine, you really can't be socialist without capitalism first existing.

    "The Inca Empire functioned largely without money and without markets. Instead, exchange of goods and services was based on reciprocity between individuals and among individuals, groups, and Inca rulers. "Taxes" consisted of a labour obligation of a person to the Empire. The Inca rulers (who theoretically owned all the means of production) reciprocated by granting access to land and goods and providing food and drink in celebratory feasts for their subjects."

    That's literally just feaudalism with zero money instead of a little

    • Mardoniush [she/her]
      3 years ago

      It's not, I'd say it's closer to Ancient Egypt and other Bronze Age command economies that Marx lumped in with Rome as "Slave-State" but are probably more "Warrior-Theocratic" where the land is ruled as an autocracy via central grain control but warriors directly act as companions given a PMC sort of function rather than as a semi-sovereign kind of deal like in feudalism.

    • Nagarjuna [he/him]
      3 years ago

      It's also not clear they didn't have money. They have an elaborate symbolic knot system which could have been a form of writing or accounting (implying debt and credit), but we just don't know what they were for.

    • Torenico [he/him]
      3 years ago

      They had a strong monarchy and society was divided in classes as well, however they also had some cool stuff like a "modern state" that engaged in building housing and infrastructure, very efficient at management as they divided production depending on the region, they basically had no money and they were insanely advanced in agricultural methods, they created a super efficient way of transporting food to remote areas. Incas are actually pretty damn interesting, far from being Socialist (then again, that is a modern term) and it's a shame we barely know shit from them because oh well, Spain had an european moment and genocided literally everyone, they also burned everything to the ground, thousands and thousands of books.

      Aztecs are also pretty insane when you put then into context, we're talking about a civilization that had a massive City that was Tenochtitlan which had like triple the population than basically any other e*ropean city at that time.

      And yes, both were Empires. They dominated a number of peoples often through force. The Spanish greatly benefitted from this during their conquest, as they exploited their differences and gained key allies.... which ended up getting genocided anyway.

        • Mardoniush [she/her]
          3 years ago

          Yeah, basically New Kingdom Egypt with some really interesting logistics advances.

      • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]
        3 years ago

        they created a super efficient way of transporting food to remote areas.

        They also created a super efficient way of breaking apart kinship units and transporting people to remote areas.

        Can't revolt against your inbred imperial overlords when all your neighbors come from different corners of the empire and don't speak your language.

      • Poison_Ivy [comrade/them]
        3 years ago

        advanced in agricultural methods

        The stepstone thing they invented where they dug out terraces downwards and create microclimates to grow crops that prefer warmer weather are rad as hell

        • sam5673 [none/use name]
          3 years ago

          You are describing a British Iron age farm. It was effective and an inventive solution to the problem of agriculture at altitude but it wasn't all that advanced

          • Poison_Ivy [comrade/them]
            3 years ago

            Talking about these: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/And%C3%A9n#Micro-climate_modification

    • Mindfury [he/him]
      3 years ago

      how was I never informed of this?

      like, everyone knows lake titicaca, but come on

    • Civility [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      Socialism is when you build roads and the longer the road you build is the more socialism you're doing.

      Communism is when you convert the entirety of your countries surface area into transport infrastructure incidentally destroying its agricultural and industrial capacity in the process.

      This has given rise to the immortal saying "communism no iphone no food" and is why the Belt and Road initiative must be opposed at all costs.

    • thelastaxolotl [he/him]
      3 years ago

      some marxists have try really hard to find good examples of ancient socialism like what marx once theorized, many started to claim that the inca were socialists because they didnt really have "money" or "markets", but they were actually just some form of theocratic feudalism, this meme is making mostly fun of that.

  • Cherufe [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Imagine thinking you can just walk into central Chile and not get yeeted

    This post was made by Mapuche gang

  • sam5673 [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    The Inca also had early precursors of juche necromancy as dead emperors could own land