I recently read through Abbie Hoffman's Steal this Book ( http://www.tenant.net/Community/steal/steal.html ), and was thinking it might be fun and useful to make an updated, crowdsourced version (maybe as a wiki or something). Basically I think it would be cool to have a centralized, free collection of practical resources and information to help revolutionaries survive, thrive and fight effectively. Theory is great, but I've found actually getting out and doing stuff IRL to be the best way to combat doomerism/apathy and feel connected to the struggle.

Does something like this already exist? The two closest, more recent things I've seen are: "Recipes for Disaster" (lots of great stuff): https://we.riseup.net/assets/35370/crimethinc.recipes.for.disaster.an.anarchist.cookbook.pdf and "Ecodefense" (mostly just monkeywreching/sabotage tips, but pretty dope): https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/various-authors-ecodefense-a-field-guide-to-monkeywrenching

Those two are great, but already outdated in some places. A wiki would have the advantages of being free, easy to keep current, capable of supporting multiple media types (e.g., links to video tutorials, external resources and contact points for orgs) and could be collectively created/maintained. Also we could just blatantly steal the good and still relevant bits from the aforementioned books.

What topics would people here find interesting/useful? Some random ideas off the top of my head include: security culture, small-scale farming, gun safety, lockpicking, protest tactics, encryption/network security, sexual health, shoplifting/scamming, union organizing, psilocybin mushroom cultivation, first aid, graffiti, recipes for cheap meals, city-specific survival guides for the unhoused (or anyone), squatting, tenant's rights/eviction support, self defense, fitness/nutrition... what else?

  • SoyViking [he/him]
    4 years ago

    IT security and anti-surveillance tactics.

    Different tactics for growing the movement. What strategies can radicals use when interacting with non-radicals? How can you do propaganda?

    Something on practical LGBT liberation.

    Something about keeping leftist spaces safe and welcoming to all, including BIPOCs, women, the neurodiverse and LGBT people. Thinking about ways of including older generations and those who are not into the whole counterculture thing would also be of value. Personally one of the reasons I didn't seek out leftist groups when I was younger was that I was (am) a massive fumbling nerd and didn't believe I was cool enough to fit in.

    Something about establishing contact to comrades in other countries and building international solidarity.