First off, let me know if this isn't the right place for something like this but wanted to see about advice

I live in a rural area so it's normally not a problem, but I had a friend recently get married and had a big event. That was all good but I had to leave early cause all the music and talking got too much for me.

Is there anything I can do about that, all the noise and all or do I just leave when I'm good?

  • YearOfTheCommieDesktop [they/them]
    10 months ago

    finding a nearby refuge you can retreat to and come back as needed is maybe an option, stepping outside to get some air, going to a quieter corner/room, etc.

    Also musicians earplugs! I use them for concerts but I expect they would help with this too. They're meant to reduce the sound level by a certain dbm, not block it entirely or muddle it. They have a little filter element in them to attenuate the sound. Trap that I fell into when I first tried them though, don't press them into your ear too far! then they get squeezed shut and just act like a regular earplug. I've got some cheap silicone "Rave" branded ones that work fine for me

      10 months ago

      Top part, thats what I usually do just head outside or wherever till I can handle more. I noticed I can usually only stay for shorter and shorter periods till I have to go

      I got some issues with ear buds/plugs and look a bit goofy with full headsets but those musician ones sounds pretty cool, any specific brands or anything like that?

      • YearOfTheCommieDesktop [they/them]
        10 months ago

        I just have these cheap ones (or at least I thought they were cheaper when I bought them lol): but maybe some of the other options would be more up your alley idk

  • Doubledee [comrade/them]
    10 months ago

    I find that going a ways away from things gives me a chance to catch my breath and relax. The last wedding I was at had an outdoor area near the dance floor where I went when things got too much for me. My family has a lot of hearing problems so I'm kinda anxious about protecting my ears. You can get little earplugs that aren't too obtrusive, keep them in your car or something like that.

    Otherwise if your friends are cool I would just let them know about how it affects you and leave when you are ready. If they're good friends they'll either accommodate you or be understanding when you hit your limits.

      10 months ago

      Thats usually what I do, just let everyone know and head out early. I do feel bit bad about it since my wife is definitely the more social of us but also feels bad to head out sooner than expected

      10 months ago

      I got a real problem with earplugs/buds for whatever reason, they fit weird in my ears and end up uncomfortable

          10 months ago

          Not a bad idea, don't know that I've tried the loop ones before, thanks

      • Abracadaniel [he/him]
        10 months ago

        You really ought to try out a few styles and insertion techniques because there's no substitute.

        I bring some anywhere there's live music or a bar. They protect against damage but I can still appreciate the music, and even hear people near me talk *better * than without them.