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  • MasterCombine [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I want Left Unity, but all Reddit “anarchists” get the wall.

    His party openly praises totalitarian dictator Lenin


    • DivineChaos100 [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      The top post on r/anarchism is the same as here, laughing at this shitty comment.

      I seriously don't get what people's problem here is with the main anarchist subs.

      • Gkalaitza [he/him]
        3 years ago

        also a bunch of upvoted comments there are about how this must be a tankie troll trying to make anarchism look bad. Huge persecution complex and terminally online "the ENEMY TANKIES are behind this " reddit energy

      • Gkalaitza [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Well you are responding to a comment that attacks a quote that the majority of r/anarchism agree with as being a deal breaker for left unity . So here you have a problem with that sub. It is a community where "Everyone who has a positive opinion of Stalin, Mao, Castro ,USSR, China isnt a comrade or a leftist but a red fascist and Lenin was a totallitarian dictator" IS the majority opinion. And see anyone holding those views as an enemy or at the very least never an ally. . Even if you agree with it personaly but dont go yelling about it around here cause you would get banned ,you really dont get why people here have a huge problem with it and consider it a toxic and performative community that rejected any left unity?. You probably dont agree but the demonization and hate towards every and any ML leader, project,party at any time this last century is the definition of anticommunism for the vast majority here and irreconsiable with left unity.

        And before you go there, tho this community leans ML it isnt even remotely in the same stratosphere of hostility to any anarchist tendency or take that r/anarchism is about marxist lenninist ones

        • DivineChaos100 [none/use name]
          3 years ago

          a quote that the majority of r/anarchism agree with as being a deal breaker for left unity .

          Wow i can't quite put my finger on why Lenin is disliked in anarchist circles, he never gave any reason for that. Neither did Stalin, nor Castro, right? I don't get it why it's so surprising that anarchists look with suspicion at people who idolize leaders who repressed anarchists.

          It is a community where “Everyone who has a positive opinion of Stalin, Mao, Castro ,USSR, China isnt a comrade or a leftist but a red fascist and Lenin was a totallitarian dictator” IS the majority opinion.

          Nah, the majority opinion is more like “Everyone who approves of the atrocities committed against anarchists Stalin, Mao, Castro ,USSR, China committed isnt a comrade or a leftist but a red fascist and Lenin was a totallitarian dictator”. Which some MLs seem to understand somehow.

          Even if you agree with it personaly but dont go yelling about it around here cause you would get banned ,you really dont get why people here have a huge problem with it and consider it a toxic and performative community that rejected any left unity?

          I don't agree with it (or at least not to that degree) but yes, i don't see how there is a problem with it considering MLs are welcome as long as they're not there to stir shit.

          You probably dont agree but the demonization and hate towards every and any ML leader, project,party at any time this last century is the definition of anticommunism for the vast majority here and irreconsiable with left unity.

          Maybe it is, but then again ML leaders going at the throat of anarchists projects all the time is anticommunism as well, somehow this never gets mentioned in the context of anticommunism.

          And before you go there, tho this community leans ML it isnt even remotely in the same stratosphere of hostility to any anarchist tendency or take that r/anarchism is about marxist lenninist ones

          I agree, but don't act like it was always like this. Big up to the mods though for making this a place that actually kinda looks like one where left unity is achievable.

          • Gkalaitza [he/him]
            3 years ago

            Wow i can’t quite put my finger on why Lenin is disliked in anarchist circles, he never gave any reason for that. Neither did Stalin, nor Castro, right? I don’t get it why it’s so surprising that anarchists look with suspicion at people who idolize leaders who repressed anarchists.

            Dislike =/= specificaly holding an opinion on Lenin/Castro being totallitarian dictators. Bonus points for the opinion of them being no different than the rest. Also positive opinion =/= idolizing.

            “Everyone who approves of the atrocities committed against anarchists Stalin, Mao, Castro ,USSR, China committed isnt a comrade or a leftist but a red fascist and Lenin was a totallitarian dictator”. Which some MLs seem to understand somehow.

            Thats your take, not the subreddit's and even then by extension its the opinion of these projects and leaders being red fascist and you are not a leftist if you disapprove the aspects that had to do with the most supression of anarchists . Really the expectation to not be considered an enemy isnt just disagreement with most of the supression of anarchists . That any ML that doesnt agree with lets say how kronstadt was handled but still judges the majority of Lenin, Mao, Stalin ,China the USSR as a positive and upholds them and the ideology is workable. The expectation is the absence of any of that and the rejection of them. Also this is isnt finding some common ground and the side most at fault admitting mistakes. Its dogmaticaly adopting a blanket statement for hundreds of conflicts around history as it being the totallitarian black and white aggression of one side (which i admit holds the majority of the blame). Just couse anarchists will hold that as historical and just because its actually easily closer to the truth than the "lmao trotsky did nothing wrong get dubbed anarchists" take it doesnt mean that especially case by case there isnt a more ,and im sad to say this, centrist and nuanced historical truth. I do believe that something like the purges of thousands of anarchists as counterrevolutionaries under stalin is a much,much more one sided blame and no context needed than something like the Spanish civil War.

            Maybe it is, but then again ML leaders going at the throat of anarchists projects all the time is anticommunism as well, somehow this never gets mentioned in the context of anticommunism.

            Again im not here to argue history. Simple truth is that begining your unmovable position that must be accepted at "MLs unilateraly initiated black and white violence at anarchist projects all the time" you set your self up for any disagreement to be interpreted as "supporting the slaughter and repression of anarchists/agreeing with it on principle". Personaly i think that i dont need even a couple of fingers to count any instances of "mls being by far in the wrong went at the throat and ruined any anarchist project just cause they were anarchists" and even find examples of the opposite that wouldnt fit a "justified anarchist freedom fghters against the totallitarian state" easy way out of being anti-communist, even if i would need a thousand arms to count any unjust supression of an anarchist under an ML project. So again self flagellation after accepting a disney villain like description of any and all possible anarchist-ml violent conflicts in history isnt happening and even if it was it wouldnt be enough ,not for normal anarchists, but for thr specific online community we are talking about

      • ssjmarx [he/him]
        3 years ago

        I assume most people here don't go on the main anarchist subs and draw their conclusions primarily from dunk posts like this one.