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What caused you to get into it, are you an evangel and are you obsessed?

    10 months ago

    There was a ton of software sourcecode posted to the comp.sources.unix usenet group that I wanted to check out. The problem is all that software was in shar format, and there was no way to extract those files on msdos. I found Yggdrasil Linux on CD at a local software store and decided to check it out. Been using Linux in one form or another ever since.

    10 months ago

    The constant OneDrive ads. I could ignore the fact that W11 is essentially spyware, but it kept fucking annoying me with ads and I had enough of it. After programming in Linux, I don't want to go back to W11. Troubleshooting is so much easier bc the CLI is heavily used. Package managers make my life easier too. Linux is good 👍

    10 months ago

    Vendors don't always update hardware drivers for other versions of those proprietary operating systems. Linux doesn't depend on vendors directly for updated drivers. Now I can use my old hardware without being stuck on an old OS version.

    10 months ago

    Servers run on linux and also don't have licensing bullshit attached. And when my desktop windows installation shit the bed, linux got installed instead.

  • TechNom (nobody)
    10 months ago

    The realization that Windows was stealthily making dozens of internet connections. I don't know what they were for and there was no reasonable way to disable it.

    I'm an evangelist so far as to recommend people to switch to Linux or BSD. But people always find some reason to stay on Windows - "I will switch when Linux starts doing ". (Not gaming). It often feels like they're searching for a problem to justify not switching. I don't bother fighting with such people.

    I'm obsessed with modifying Linux to my liking. Programming was another one of my reasons for switching. These days, I program components of my desktop to suit my needs.

    10 months ago

    Well if I remember correctly I was actually first told to use Solaris (Unix) because I knew just a teeny bit of HTML and had done some programming on my TI calculator. I had to use a Sunray workstation and learn ssh and emacs.

    My boss took pity on me and bought me a computer (to be paid off with some extra hours). I attempted to install Debian on it, and failed. I tried Ubuntu and it worked (somewhere around 2005ish). It was all downhill from there. I did try some other distributions like arch but by that point I had a laptop and while I technically did get WiFi working and it was fun, I preferred the better out of the box hardware support you got from Ubuntu back in those days.

    I've stuck when Ubuntu for the most part ever since. Even though the Linux guru at my university called it "Linux for office rats". I've tried some other variants like Mint and while I liked them more eventually I'd have to deal with the fact that the trickier stuff I want to run like CUDA just seems easier to get working. Pre built packages usually target Ubuntu.

    I've played with alternative window managers like i3 here and there but once again I find it hard to make sure the real basic WiFi/sound/etc works the way I want it to and end up writing my own i3 status scripts or running with some sort of gnome-session thingy.

    At the moment by desktop is basically "I don't care but there are shortcuts for my browser, graphical emacs, and the kitty terminal".

    I'm not an evangelist because let me tell you from experience: your in-laws will not actually thank you for installing a low resource xfce based distribution on their computer. They will be unhappy and you'll get support calls. They want windows, just free.

    But for me personally it's the most productive environment for what I do. I do not find macOS to be more stable or frankly to be more coherent. I love their font rendering and hidpi support though.

    10 months ago

    I've been using Linux on my laptop and work/school computers for a while now, but what made me switch my desktop to Linux was emulator performance. Then I saw the progress Proton had achieved and news of MS putting ads everywhere and I doubled down wiping the windows partition for more disk space.

    10 months ago

    The stereotypical story actually happened to me.

    My parents had the habit of disabling the wifi if I didn't want to do chores.

    So I looked up how to hack the neighbors' wifi. People online told me it wasn't possible, unless I installed "Kali Linux". I tried it and failed. I looked up why and people told me I should start with a beginner distro, lik Ubuntu. So I installed that.

    8 months ago

    No joke! A friend told me it was "the year of the Linux desktop", because of all the recent breakthroughs in drivers and usability.

    I love how this story doesn't even remotely let you guess what year it was.

  • Vampire [any]
    10 months ago

    Everybody needs an operating system

      10 months ago

      My neighbor at the trailer park was a janitor at the university. I built my computer from parts he salvaged from the recycle bin, and put Redhat 5 on it.

    10 months ago

    Each Linux VM requires fewer resources and takes less time to maintain compared to Windows so I can run more of the servers I want.