I have a feeling it's little to none, but I'd like some sources if anyone has come across anything.
even in the west, most academic research output is hidden behind paywalls anyway, and most institutions only have funding to actually access a fraction of the relevant research in their field
most people get around this by never actually reading beyond the abstract of most of their citations of course, so i imagine its not a huge additional barrier in china
straight up racism from reviewers and publishers knocking back their work because "chinese people always cheat, its probably all faked data anyway" is probably a much bigger problem
in a former life i got sucked into being a reviewer on a couple of manuscripts from china and they were pretty good and very responsive to my feedback, for what its worth
yeah when youve got a system where you need to find meaningfully positive results from your research to get published, and you have to get published and keep getting published to put food on the table and continue to have a career in a ruthlessly survival-of-the-"fittest" career path, there is a huge amount of pressure to "massage" your results or wilfully misrepresent them to fit a better "story"
seen it so many times
edit: extra racism cos of the big story of the japanese researcher who fudged all her stem cell research cos she was under so much pressure and someone from her institute committed suicide over it and all those asians are the same right
I'm not sure, but most research is published in English which automatically puts most of the world at a disadvantage
Scientific research in China? Not much probably. Others have pointed out the existing paywalls, which Chinese universities are probably paying for in much the same way as any other university. Coordinating with Chinese collaborators can be hard though. They've cracked down some on VPN use in the last year, so communicating through the firewall with the typical collaborative tools used in the west can be a challenge, at least in my very limited experience.