The Will to Change: Men, Masculinity, and Love is a book by bell hooks about men, patriarchy, the relationship between them, and most importantly love. There is no need to pick up a copy, comrade Sen has already uploaded the entire audiobook onto Youtube. Content warnings are generously provided by Sen at the start of each chapter. This time we are doing chapters 2 & 3. Each chapter is only about 30 minutes long, so it's not a long commitment. Let me know if two chapters a week is too much or if I should change the format.


-What stood out to you about this chapter?
-Are there any ideas that bell hooks introduces in this chapter that you've never heard of or wish you had heard earlier in your life?
-Are there any stories in this chapter that resonate with you on a personal level?

Previous Chapter 1 discussion

  • wtypstanaccount04 [he/him]
    1 year ago

    "While feminism may ignore boys and young males, capitalist patriarchal men do not"

    This is the biggest lesson we should learn from the 2010s. If you want to know why GamerGate and the ensuing anti-feminist reaction got so big, look no further than here. When the only exposure to feminism most men get is an exposure to pop feminism, the "male tears" mugs and "girlboss" grindsets that put men down merely for expressing themselves, is it any wonder why the right got so big? Much has been gained by the strong trans activism in recent years and the ability to call these so-called "feminists" what they are, which is TERFs.

    Interestingly, right after I typed this comment, bell hooks immediately started shitting on the works of the infamous TERF author J. K. Rowling.