In communist countries they brainwash their kids

  • VILenin [he/him]M
    3 years ago

    Heaven compared to the US, ofc it's not some perfect utopia. I'm referring to infrastructure that isn't constantly falling apart, that actually exists in the first place (bullet trains, for example). Also the frequency of encountering assholes is far less, in my experience. I guess not living in a failed state leads to increased happiness. You can actually discuss Marxism without being ostracized. Ofc poverty still exists but there's less of it every day. Probably many other things I'm missing here. Maybe the reason they support their government is because it actually gives a shit about them. All in all, just miles and miles ahead of the US. But yeah I guess you could call it dystopian if you consider that to be when the government puts up posters and slogans and has national holidays. In all my years of living there I did not get murdered for being a foreigner (occasionally people tried to hustle me because I looked like the tourists who fall for their shit, but basic instincts should protect you and this isn't a problem unique to China), the secret police did not kick down my door because I used a VPN, I was not barred from leaving the country, I was not inexplicably detained, and I did not receive any money from the CCP for being a Chinese bot. The users over at :reddit-logo: might think otherwise, though.