I've applied to 100s and I haven't even so much as received a fucking phone call. Do jobs even exist? What the fuck. Is the boomer adage of showing up at an office with your resume unironically the only way to do it?

I'm fucking 6 years out of engineering school and I've gotten a total of 3 interviews for engineering positions in my entire life. Am I supposed to kill myself with this college debt?

I just need 1 person to let me know I'm not just busting my resume into a void by applying on LinkedIn or whatever.

  • buh [any]
    3 years ago

    most job boards are completely useless, and I've found that even applying directly on the company's website doesn't get results

    I actually have gotten interviews through directly contacting recruiters on Linkedin, though this was only after I had some professional experience already. When I was doing my first job hunt it was also fucking useless.

    Once piece of advice that might help if Indeed and such are your only options is to make sure your resume matches the requirements of the posting you are applying to as closely as possible. The companies that hire using these platforms use an automated filtering system that looks for keywords and auto-rejects applications that don't match the text of the posting by some amount. When I started doing this, I started getting at least a few interviews from Indeed applications instead of literally zero.