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  • Sandinband
    4 years ago

    I just finished watching it recently. I forgot some stuff but do you have a specific thing you want to know about it?

      • Sandinband
        4 years ago

        A flight crashes on a desert island and the people need to survive until rescued. Very soon after landing they realize the island isn't normal, one guy regains the ability to walk, theres some thing in the forest tearing down trees, and polar bears. Many of the characters are also connected from before the crash which is shown in flashbacks throughout the series.

        After they realize they aren't getting rescued they try to find out more about the island and learn there are other people who've lived on the island before the crash.

        There's a bunch of plot twists but I dont know if you want spoilers lol

          • Sandinband
            4 years ago

            You're welcome!

            So the island has magical properties and kinda draws certain people in via shipwreck. There's this guy named Jacob who is immortal and can see into the future and guides some of the humans so they can survive. The thing that tears down trees in the forest is his evil brother who can transform into a smoke monster and tries to convince humans to kill Jacob so he'll be able to leave the island.

            A man named Richard crashes on the island over a hundred years before the show and is given the gift of immortality by Jacob so he can guide the humans for him. He originally guides a group referred to as the Hostiles.

            Ben Linus comes to the island with his dad as a kid as a part of the Dharma initiative which wants to explore the magical properties of the island. They also set up a bunch of bases around the island for different reasons. His dad is abusive and blames Ben for the death of his wife because she died in childbirth. Ben meets Richard and plans to kill all of the dharma people with poison gas, the plan works and the hostiles take over the town the dharma people lived in. These people are the Others and later Ben becomes their leader when they find out the previous leader had a child with someone off the island and regularly left the island. This leader is Charles.

            The plane that crashes has the people that Jacob has been watching their entire lives in hopes that they'll be able to replace him eventually. One of the survivors manages to build a raft to escape and takes his son and two other survivors with him. His son gets kidnapped by the others, their boat gets destroyed, and they're left for dead. As this is happening the main group manages to open one of the stations and finds a man who was shipwrecked, Desmond. At Desmond's station he's been entering a series of numbers into a computer every 108 minutes in order to like reset this buildup of energy so the world doesn't end.

            The guy whose son was taken, Michael, lives and tries to get his son back which leads to a bunch of shit with the others and him and his son eventually do escape the island but leave everyone else.

            Back to Charles, he gets super rich off the island and spends a ton of money trying to find it because it doesn't show up on maps and can be moved through an elaborate process. And if you leave it's a huge pain in the ass to come back. He hires a team to come to the island, when they arrive the convince the group that they're being rescued but they're actually there to kill Ben.

            A bunch of shitty writing involving time travel happens and then an incredibly shitty ending happens.

            If you want more details or something isn't clear feel free to ask! I tried making it more linear than the show is but I skipped a ton of details so this wasn't even longer lol

              • Sandinband
                4 years ago

                I liked the numbers and wish they gave them a better backstory! I thought they'd be connected to the island itself and not the dharma people and still think that would have made more sense.

                A lot of things on the show seemed liked theyd have a good back story or would be more relevant later on but were abandoned as the writers tried to wrap up all their loose ends :/

                Did you like what you've seen of the show?

                  • Sandinband
                    4 years ago

                    Did you finish the series? The way they did the time travel flashbacks and flash forwards was awful to me. It felt like once they made one timeline confusing they'd jump to the next to give themselves time to make sense of the other one