
  1. I totally get the references in that episode of Venture Bros.

  2. A Carnival Mask is an ESSENTIAL accoutrement



This film is super underwhelming. IDK i expected something big from Kubrick's last film. Its not very interesting at all.

Im sorry rich people have an orgy in a mansion? THAT's shocking? Big HP Lovecraft energy "goes insane at the revelation of interracial sex".

Fuck i shoukdn't even spoiler this, the basic facts you know from osmosis about the film are equivalent to the substance of the thing

  • SiskoDid2ThingsWrong [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Yeah I watched it and was surprised how big of a deal some people around here make it out to be. I mean, okay maybe Kubrick was trying to sneakily out some Epstein shit he saw going on in Hollywood, but honestly seem just as likely to me Kubrick and his wife got bored and went to some rich people sex party and realized they kinda hated it, so he made a movie about horny upper middle class people being horny.