I'm guessing this is true, which is disappointing. However, it doesn't mention any scope of these accounts though, so it's hard to say whether these were targeted for being LGBT accounts or if it's something else that got them banned.
EDIT: We'll see what the gov't does in response to this. Just read FidelCastro's comment, and remember the definition of critical support .
Yeah it's a very socially conservative country. Remember the time Nigerian people and other Africans were racially discriminated against during the beginning of Covid? China has always been bad on a lot of social issues unfortunately
the government responded like this
It's good and all but it only happened after this incident went public, and the African Union reprimanded China. Why were African immigrants forced by the Guangzhou local government into this quarantine and testing situation anyway in the first place? None of this would've happened if they treated the African immigrants the same way they treated others. Also in this year's new year's celebration there was blackface. It's very bad and there's no way to possibly justify it
I thought they were slowly becoming more accepting :deeper-sadness:
They are in a way but it's slow and hard work. While China has done a lot of good diplomacy in Africa recently, there's still a ton of animosity, especially in South Africa, considering China's past support of the apartheid government during the border wars.
Also rich white failsons can still go to China to "teach English", and be idolised in a way, though that phenomenon is much less, it's still a thing. Some people made an entire YouTube career out of it. I have heard of a few people that have still done that in a way.
oh yeah, using whitey idol to pose in photos of shady universities is definitely a thing still. I'm concerned that ccp is kinda old, so it could be some weird personal conservatism which will evolve into something uglier, when they'll inevitably get some protests :sadness:
Yeah China is not good on social issues. Even this year's new year's celebration featured blackface and a monkey costume. Though some of the younger CCP/CPC members seem to be cool, and much more supportive of LGBTQIA+ rights, hopefully they get more influence in the party soon
Tankies be rolling, they hating, trying to catch me violating quarantine.
They are. I suspect this is a provincial government or a department doing this without full approval from the inner party. There was a similar case a few months back where the SCMP posted some anti LGBT cringe and the official party newspaper published a harsh rebuttal.