Haitian President Jovenel Moïse was assassinated Wednesday in what was described as a coordinated attack. His wife was injured and is at a Miami hospital.
Joe Biden in 1994: "If Haiti—a God-awful thing to say—if Haiti just quietly sunk into the Caribbean or rose up 300 feet, it wouldn't matter a whole lot to our interests."
now why the fuck would you spend your wifi on bidenposting about not caring about haiti when you can fucking dig up the clintons couping the damn country
Oh I'm sure you are Joe, I'm sure you're itching for an opportunity to help Haiti
every day I come to hate that man more
If nothing else, Haiti turning into a mountain island would be cool because they wouldn’t have to worry about rising sea levels for a long time.
I’m not a scientist and I’m sure it would suck in other ways, like how the fuck their ports would work.
:fezzik-climbing: https://giphy.com/gifs/disneyplus-the-princess-bride-robin-wright-theprincessbride-VEnKYPlNNL8Zo6kzft
This but a ship would be based. After the cargo blockage incident I am sure the hentai it inspires would be top notch :lenin-heart:
lmao @ the libs saying "but muh context" shut the fuck up
yeah? thats a cheap bullshit quote without any real meaning to it. only makes your rhetoric look pathetic
Hog out or log out bby
now why the fuck would you spend your wifi on bidenposting about not caring about haiti when you can fucking dig up the clintons couping the damn country
because the clintons aren't in office