"For me, what has been done, has strengthened the Revolution," Rocha allegedly said in one recorded meeting, bragging about his actions. "They underestimated what we could do to them. We did more than they thought."
An undercover employee for the bureau sent Rocha a note on WhatsApp claiming to have a message from "your friends in Havana" regarding a "sensitive matter."
Spycraft and anti-spycraft is nothing like in the movies. The Feds implicated him by making contact over WhatsApp like low-level fucking scammers.
Yeah but they only succeed after 40 years. He probably bought a Cuban sandwich and winked and said “thank you comrade” and the cashier reported it to the FBI lol
Yeah, you have to admire the long run. I wonder if he is the longest running spy. It's just what got him that is a damn embarrassment.
He kept it up for over 40 years and is now 73. If I were him, I'd try to get caught right around now because it's now or never if he wants credit in the history books as a final fk you.
Minimum security federal prison for white collar crimes isn't any worse than the average nursing home in the US. Anyway, he's old enough that even if he is sent to prison (which will be federal), he will qualify for a compassionate release very shortly.
Spycraft nowadays is basically the equivalent of boomer email chains lol. Major props to this guy.
Unless you’re a CIA agent, in which case your cover is blown and you’re executed because your case officers can’t build a covert website to hide your communication
Was way cooler when nuclear scientists were sending their research to the Soviets
what an absolute
er o7
pray there are many more uncaught & that he be liberated sooner than later