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Article 57. The State shall adopt measures to protect the environment, giving it preference over production, preserve and promote the natural environment and prevent environmental pollution so as to provide the people with a hygienic living environment and working conditions.
Meanwhile in Denmark: § 2: Regeringsformen er indskrænket-monarkisk. Kongemagten nedarves til mænd og kvinder efter de i tronfølgeloven af 27. marts 1953 fastsatte regler.
§ 2: Denmark is a constitutional monarchy. The throne is inherited according to the Act of Succession, which itself has the same status as the constitution.
oh... :desolate:
well if it's any consolation, having a living monarch in power means you still got a chance to give them a French haircut.
It’s funny to see Americans criticize North Korea for being a defecto monarchy, while also sucking off the actual out and proud monarchies of Europe.
She's related to this goofball! We love our Scandinavian socialist monarchs don't we folks!
Citizens have the right to relaxation.
Besides the times I've been unemployed and looking for work, I haven't had a vacation in close to a decade.
This point alone has good agitprop value.
Article 67. Citizens are guaranteed freedom of speech, the press, assembly, demonstration and association. The State shall guarantee the conditions for the free activities of democratic political parties and social organizations.
DPRK is unironically more of a democracy than Amerika, altgough that's not saying much.