Weird circumstance. Friend of a friend of a friend of a friend sort of thing. Apparently I was just autistic enough for him to be engaged because I kept asking questions and he kept answering them. I managed to stay mask on for the most part

  • modsarefascist [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Nah, the good ones know the things like socialism are very possible if they loose their grip. They know the same things we do, they just like the system because they benefit from it. Many likely believe they earned it, even if just being born to a rich fuck is what they consider earning it they still can convince themselves that they earned it. I think thats why shit like eugenics is so popular among the super rich, especially new money rich. They want to think they're special and that's why they got what they have. But at the end of the day they're only delusional about minor things (to them) like "justifying your actions to yourself". That's a very minor issue to them. Things like general economic theory cannot possibly be really understood with some understanding of marxism. I'm talking actual economics, not the stuff used to con dumbass rednecks like the "austrian school" shit. A good capitalist understands the game the same as a well read socialist, they just like the system and want to perpetuate it.