modsarefascist [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 13th, 2020

  • modsarefascist [he/him]tomovies2023
    2 years ago

    I think you're reminding me why I left t this place, thanks

    Edit: don't forget that purity spirals help no one. I've been here since chapo was banned on Reddit and this place has gotten smaller and smaller because of this "if you slightly disagree then you're a piece of shit" mentally really isn't helping anything.

  • modsarefascist [he/him]tomovies2023
    2 years ago

    Are we still doing the "you can't like fiction if you're a socialist" thing?

    Hasn't it gotten old yet? Do you guys really feel better making yourself hate everything?

    There's no such thing as ethical consumption in capitalism, so get off the high horse and try and enjoy what little bit of fun you can carve out, ideally while pirating any of these movies cus fuck paying for that.

    I just don't get the hate, I remember what movies were like before and it wasn't exactly better. Sure most of these suck but that's always been true.

    Tho admittedly none of these are particularly interesting and I like cbms so yeah... If anything it'll be fun seeing the shit show when the Flash is released considering Ezra's crimespree.

  • The way you guys attack TYT is still ridiculous. We all know the US empire is held in place by the media yet you guys attack the biggest competitor that could actually help get regular libs off of the MSNBC brainworms.

    Seriously the hate tyt gets feels like the biggest FUD I've ever seen. They're easily one of the biggest pipelines to actual leftist in the imperial core and instead you guys do as much damage to them as possible.

  • modsarefascist [he/him]tomemesChinese history.
    2 years ago

    Plenty conscripts for Vietnam, no need to assume they're there willingly. I still remember stories my neighbor would occasionally tell when he got drunk enough, he was conscripted and tried to get out of it but couldn't. The worst was him talking about the tube he had to shoot a toddler who was walking up to him with a grenade without the pin in, someone had turned her into a suicide bomber (almost certainly not the VC military btw). He broke down crying after that... Cancer and other complications from agent orange eventually killed him.... The empire is perfectly happy to sacrifice it's people too

  • It's because the media constantly tells them this narrative. Even as you say when the Dems bend over backwards so hard to "work with" the Republicans that they just adopt the Republican policy positions from like 5 years ago.

    It really doesn't matter what happens in DC, the narrative the major media outlets spread is what most people believe. I wish more leftist realized the absolute power in media because it really is the keystone of oligarchical control. And the weakest point as well.

    Even lightly lefty outlets that are self professed "progressives" are a huge step up from the coordinated narrative that the traditional American media sends out.

  • There's a real strong bubble forming in the left wing internet (socialist left). People think they because economists are mostly propagandist and political scientists are so right wing as to be mostly useless that it means that ALL science is up to the interpreter.

    I used to think being a leftist meant you had to be smart enough to see through the propaganda haze but these days I think it's just damn luck that leads people to leftism. Luck and morals, with the morals making them left wing and the luck being how they saw through the propaganda. Maybe I spent too much time on Latestagecapitalism, I swear that sub is so bad it might be a psyop.

  • modsarefascist [he/him]toaskchapoChinese Government
    2 years ago

    Honestly I got a surprisingly unbiased take from Wikipedia. At least the basics of how their elections work and stuff like that. If you want a very quick explanation. These other posts will obviously go more into detail.

  • Yeah cus it's bout damn impossible to test for things like string theory with our current tech/energy level.

    Hell we just now confirmed the higgs boson and it's been speculated to exist since the 50s.

    Our capacity to theorize is far beyond our capacity to test. That doesn't mean testing is impossible but it's slow af compared to pure theory

  • I just depends entirely on how and where the fantasy is based. For English stuff yeah there weren't that many black people and especially weren't many aristocrats that were black (as all fantasy pretty much follows the aristocrats only). But say in France the situation was different, I can't think of any medieval famous black people from there but there were plenty once the age of sail and empires started. It really depends on the locations the myths are from.

    Like a guy below says tho if you're doing the setting in the caucuses or even Italy and the lower Mediterranean then yes there were plenty African peoples living there.

    It's a question of nuance and where the mythology of the story is based on. Not unlike how it's shitty to include a white main character in a story based on myths from somewhere in asia.

    However if a person is making up a new story not tied hard to mythology they can obviously do at they will. Plus they can follow people who are lower on the social class level where there were people of many mixed ancestry have existed. The thing is they were always rare and thanks to history from that era being at least inherently racist they get left out from whatever accomplishments they achieve.

  • Lol there's way more than that. I remember when I was 19 I got one of my designs on the front page biggest industry mag (textile world iirc).

    You'd think that would be an easy win with a portfolio but nope. The biggest requirement to survive here seems to be if you're a right wing nutcase, which I am not. Sry just pissed about that and a few other things

  • modsarefascist [he/him]tonewsRussia-Ukraine Megathread 27
    2 years ago

    It really reads like they're more concerned with the cost. Which is hilarious when you consider the cost of the f35. Even with whatever sensor packages the f35 is a piss poor replacement if you're fighting China or Russia.

    I think it's just far more likely that the US isn't planning for actual wars with like-in-power enemies but instead is planning their military around more iraq-like subjugation.

    Basically they're not planning to defend the lives of the American people from attack, but they're planning to enforce American control on poor insurgents worldwide.

    At least in the past the MIC had to at least pretend that it was doing what it does to defend Americans. Now they're dropping even that facade.