Planning to fight China to the last Taiwan person :sadness-abysmal:

  • kristina [she/her]
    3 years ago

    like also its just so much for china to potentially lose if they do invade taiwan militarily. if they do it peacefully they get all of those nice semiconductor factories on top of it being the morally right thing to do

    • Grownbravy [they/them]
      3 years ago

      No, probably not, capital will steal the developers, and destroy the fabs.

      • kristina [she/her]
        3 years ago

        Depends. Some Chinese corporations (Huawei) are stock-based worker cooperatives and give you insane dividends as a worker. Like, paying better than silicon valley type dividends. If they promised to do that for semiconductors as a forced transition I doubt those workers would go poof because plenty of westerners already wanna work for those chinese agencies cause of the pay.

        Obviously there are downsides to stock-based worker cooperatives but its better than the run-of-the-mill corporation

        • Grownbravy [they/them]
          3 years ago

          I mean, I’m pretty sure i heard the chip fabrication technologies have some sort of strategic advantage for the west, so they will get in the way of that

          • kristina [she/her]
            3 years ago

            It is but that also gives China a lot of leverage, if you mess with that ecosystem even a little itd cause huge shocks to the global economy and it isnt something you can repair fast

            • Grownbravy [they/them]
              3 years ago

              I dunno, risking the production capacity of a territory no longer under your influence seems like a thing they’d do, even if fabs elsewhere are years from approaching the capacity these existing fabs have

          • Foolio [any]
            3 years ago

            There's a Dutch company - ASML - that has a virtual monopoly on specialized equipment used in fabs (mostly lithography), and they refuse to sell one of the most advanced models to China under pressure from the West.

    • modsarefascist [he/him]
      3 years ago

      They make a huge portion of the world's superconductors and computer chips I think. That alone is reason enough for China not to even want to invade.

      I mean I thought similar things about Russia so I'll say that much but I just don't think these are similar at all.

      • kristina [she/her]
        3 years ago

        If they do opt for a military intervention, imo Taiwan will either fold near instantly as the island is blockaded and Chinese troops pop up everywhere or they just blockade it and wait

        But I sincerely doubt it'll come to that. China isnt Russia. The thing is Taiwan is so close to China that the entirety of the island can be bombed, port striked, and blockaded without landing a single troop

      • Foolio [any]
        3 years ago

        Russia's a little different because they have a land border with Ukraine and there was an active separatist struggle going on near the border since 2014. Taiwan reunification is presently less of a security concern for the PRC vs the Russia situation.

      • kristina [she/her]
        3 years ago
        1. There is a faction of the KMT that supports reunification

        2. Indigenous people of taiwan prefers the mainlands ethnic policy

        3. Capitalists love bribes

        4. Just make the mainland so great that its dumb to be separate

        5. Afaik the mainland already allows Taiwanese citizens to live there. So you can just drain the population by being better

        • machiabelly [she/her]
          3 years ago

          Well that'd be neat but I feel like the ghouls always choose power and handing over your country doesn't help with that. But maybe in like 20 years the ROC's climate change response is bad enough that they need help from the PRC and unify that way. idk though I really do know nothing about this, it's just uncommon for borders to change peacefully.

          • kristina [she/her]
            3 years ago

            That might be true but I feel like a lot of people underestimate how short-sighted capitalists are historically. Lenin wasn't joking when he said the capitalists would sell you the rope to hang them with

            • machiabelly [she/her]
              3 years ago

              Yeah but unless they lose control of the military all it takes is the head of state to just kinda say no, i wanna keep it

              • kristina [she/her]
                3 years ago

                Sure, but if you fuck with that ecosystem even a little it can cause massive economy-grinding halts because of how hard it is to develop a high-tech semiconductor ecosystem. So just moving factories even will fuck with it and set the whole thing back decades. Which is why the west is nervous because Taiwan is the biggest exporter in the world

                • machiabelly [she/her]
                  3 years ago

                  ahhh so taiwan's biggest/most influential industry is pretty unstable. So the PRC exerting pressure on that somehow could weaken them alot. Actually Taiwan unifying on the condition that the tech executives keep private control seems like it might actually be a thing.

        • Foolio [any]
          3 years ago

          Doesn't matter. If they try to do it peacefully, the world's peacekeeper will step in ;)

          • kristina [she/her]
            3 years ago

            Doesn't matter. China has US industry by the balls. Swift castration. US has even said multiple times it wouldn't intervene because of how by the balls China has the USA. A couple of congresspeople tried to do a Taiwan defense act but it gets squashed each time.

            • Foolio [any]
              3 years ago

              Ma'am, that sounds like quitter talk. We don't know the word "surrender".

              • kristina [she/her]
                3 years ago

                US will just frame it as a win and somehow make it so that we get cheaper semiconductors out of it and we'll dust our mitts off and say that freedumb won again

      • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
        3 years ago

        I don't think "annex" is the correct term when almost all the world's nations recognizes Taiwan as being part of China. It'd be no more an annexation than when Iraq kicked ISIS out and reasserted civil and military control over occupied lands.

        • StuporTrooper [he/him]
          3 years ago

          But Taiwan is de facto it's own nation now, even if most countries don't officially recognize it.

    • usa_suxxx
      4 months ago

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