Feds "accidentally" drops the hogs leashes leading to the violently hilarious barnstorming of the Capital as a means of both redirecting popular opinion on gutting police budgets and giving the State a convenient escape route from actually having to tackle its internal contradictions by utilizing these dipshit maga lead paintsniffers as a perfect scapegoat to not just justify keeping the militarized policestate but also expanding it

  • 420clownpeen [they/them,any]
    4 years ago

    I think it's likely that was an element, definitely at the level of the Capitol Police. Maybe also at the level of the feds, though they just as easily could have failed to intervene out of pure complacency, thinking the hogs would just squeal and oink outside the doors until they got tuckered out, failing to anticipate that the cops would just let them inside.