I met some long time friends for pizza and beer tonight and i thought it was a fun night but right before we parted ways the two of them held an intervention with me. They said i was bringing up "socialist stuff" too much and it was making them depressed. They said to keep the conversation exclusively to things like games and anime. That if i didnt stop they didnt want to be friends anymore. Have you guys/gals/nonbinary pals experienced something like this before?

  • pastalicious [he/him, undecided]
    3 years ago

    A friend of mine survived a stroke and got super religious. Later he started messaging all his friends to inquire if they believed in god. Anyone who said no was unfriended. When Q rolled around he went all in. I consider being unfriended a blessing.

    Haven’t lost any close friend for specifically being “too political” yet but the capitalist ones have hinted that they think I sound like a broken record. They can talk about cool billionaires all day every day but you talk about exploitation a few times and it’s all you talk about.

    Regurgitating the dominant narrative is unpolitical to the popular consciousness, may as well be invisible. Briefly voicing a counter narrative is extremely political and tasteless, do you even have other interests?