pinkertons can't run the factory. The fastest way to ship something down a gravity well is by dropping it. Workers will have to set up the computers that drop things to earth. during a strike, just set up a blockade against the spinkertons and start orbital bombardment.
The novel "the moon is a harsh mistress" by Heinlein is a really good book about a lunar revolution that employs space bombardment. It also features pedophilia because heinlein was a libertarian.
You thought the Battle of Blair Mountain was bad, wait till they can drop suborbital projectiles on us.
That shit cuts both ways. Phobos Worker's Soviet Power Array Maser go zap.
it's gonna be workers running those set ups. Getting real "the moon is a harsh mistress" vibes, except hopefully less pedophilic
Two words: Space Pinkertons.
pinkertons can't run the factory. The fastest way to ship something down a gravity well is by dropping it. Workers will have to set up the computers that drop things to earth. during a strike, just set up a blockade against the spinkertons and start orbital bombardment.
Whatever you wanna fantasize, I was just clarifying my initial comment because you brought up pedophilia for some reason.
The novel "the moon is a harsh mistress" by Heinlein is a really good book about a lunar revolution that employs space bombardment. It also features pedophilia because heinlein was a libertarian.
Ah, gotcha.
Yeah, sorry for the confusion.
No worries.