Here are some that I can think of:

  • Michael Richards- used the n-word multiple times in response to black hecklers during a stand-up performance.

  • Roseanne Barr- said Valerie Jarrett, who is partially black, looked like a Planet of the Apes character.

  • Gina Carano- compared Joe Biden's policies as President to the Holocaust.

Even then, Carano will be working for The Daily Wire and Barr was doing a stand-up tour prior to the coronavirus pandemic. Also, Richards has made or still does make a lot of money off of Seinfeld and probably could have had a career like Jason Alexander (making the rounds as a television guest star), if he wanted.

  • star_wraith [he/him]
    4 years ago

    That name just made my face twitch. I have a Daily Wire reading, Shapiro-listening friend who would not shut the fuck up about Jussie Smollett. I still don't really know what he did, and I refuse to find out because my friend pissed me off.

    (to head off the obvious follow up here, yes I'm thinking a lot about why I'm still friend with this person. I've already started to gray rock him some)

    • Ryan_Holman [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Basically, he acted liked he was attacked by chuds in Chicago at night. Smollett walked around with a noose, which he claimed the attackers put there.

      It was later revealed that the "attackers" had worked on Empire (Smollett's show) and there was proof that Smollett was involved in the purchase of items used in the incident.