Here are some that I can think of:
Michael Richards- used the n-word multiple times in response to black hecklers during a stand-up performance.
Roseanne Barr- said Valerie Jarrett, who is partially black, looked like a Planet of the Apes character.
Gina Carano- compared Joe Biden's policies as President to the Holocaust.
Even then, Carano will be working for The Daily Wire and Barr was doing a stand-up tour prior to the coronavirus pandemic. Also, Richards has made or still does make a lot of money off of Seinfeld and probably could have had a career like Jason Alexander (making the rounds as a television guest star), if he wanted.
This is a good one. They were at the height of their careers as country superstars and overnight not a single radio station across the entire country would play their music. Their cancelling started 3 years before Twitter existed and lasted straight up through Louis CK’s cancelling and subsequent return to standup. About 14 years. By comparison, CK’s “cancelling” lasted less than a year. The thing The Chicks were cancelled for saying was, “We’re ashamed the President of the United States is from Texas”
Every now and then I remember that whole debacle and the fact that the fuckin' Dixie Chicks had a role in my political awakening :agony-wholesome:
Hey, my political awakening was weird leftist Science Fiction novels so one-up on me
I still use so many LessWrong framings. I think we could salvage it for the left
Nah, I used to go to their meetups and talk about how capitalism doesn't make sense. People stopped showing up till I left. Even the guy that would drink multiple gallons of milk a day for some kind of science project.
Remember when Anissimov went full NRx chud, ragequit, and set up a blog named "more right" before spiraling into a weird sex breakdown or something and becoming a Nazi Primitivist in Oregon? Just endless lulz.
Kathy(??) Griffin, that lady who posed with a severed Trump head
I would count Colin Kaepernick too maybe. He still can't get work in the NFL after all.
I agree with Kaepernick.
However, with Griffin, that made her into a hero amongst the resistance crowd. In the long run, it probably helped her career.
The real hit to Griffins career was losing the battle with Andy Cohen for Anderson Cooper’s friendship.
Helen Thomas, decades log career in journalism, part of the white house press corps. Completely cancelled and blacklisted after showing support for Palestinians.
I'm not familiar with him, but Jussie Smollett came up and seems to fit
That name just made my face twitch. I have a Daily Wire reading, Shapiro-listening friend who would not shut the fuck up about Jussie Smollett. I still don't really know what he did, and I refuse to find out because my friend pissed me off.
(to head off the obvious follow up here, yes I'm thinking a lot about why I'm still friend with this person. I've already started to gray rock him some)
Basically, he acted liked he was attacked by chuds in Chicago at night. Smollett walked around with a noose, which he claimed the attackers put there.
It was later revealed that the "attackers" had worked on Empire (Smollett's show) and there was proof that Smollett was involved in the purchase of items used in the incident.
dunno if internet people count, but adam koebel got actually cancelled for gming a sexual assault scene, without warning, where the person who played the character on the recieving end of it was an irl sa survivor, in front of thousands of people on twitch, then laughed about it in the aftershow
this was a guy who was one of the figureheads of the make rpgs inclusive and socially conscious movement
(rightly) killed his career completely
Eh, that was more of a direct and sustained attack by one powerful pedophile than a public opinion thing.
Yes, I'd say so.
It's amazing how much he dropped off the face of the Earth.
I mean, its because he got accused of being a child molester.
Of course, I think all the cases have been dropped.
apparently he is making a comeback movie, so I guess we'll see how cancelled he really is.
Ah yes, the fabled comeback where the millionaire predator 'returns' from 'obscurity' to...continue making shitloads of money with absolutely no significant consequences or comeuppance.
Someone throw this asshole off a cliff already
Janeane Garofalo got a shit ton of pushback for opposing the Iraq war. Dixie Chicks got the same treatment.
Ahmed Best. Granted, he didn't do anything. But oh fuck, was he canceled. And has been canceled ever since.
I feel bad about the Roseanne one. That one legit looks like she got skronged off psych meds not working for her and she really wasn't capable of self regulating her behavior. Suprise a mentally ill women who respects the poor is one of the few that actually got hit
I would certainly bet she was having a mental issue at that point. Unfortunately, it seemed nobody really helped her and it cost her.
Frankly, if some liberal said essentially the same thing about a Republican black woman it would have been a brief controversy that went nowhere, at worst.
Kind of Bill Mahar for disagreeing that the 9/11 terrorists were “cowardly.” His show got canceled shortly after that.
I was about to bring this up but he's spent the rest of his career on a hypocritical apology tour.
Asshole still calls himself politically incorrect even though he never has a bad word to say about the pentagon or the CIA and never contradicts whatever narrative they're pushing this week.
It's ironic that he never stops whining about hypothetically getting canceled by the left (even though he got away with saying the n word on live TV) but what does he think of the only people who actually canceled him?
He never misses an opportunity to prostrate himself before them and pledge his loyalty, his show can't go more than a few episodes without having a "former" CIA analyst on.
Kevin hart got cancelled for a homophobic tweet, wasn't allowed to host the oscars.
He's back though, keep seeing ads for some shitty movie or show he's in now.
So I wouldn't call that "cancelled", more like "temporarily inconvenienced".
some people get cancelled harder than others, but there was a social media backlash and he lost a role, I count it.
Did Louis CK’s canceling stick? I feel like he’s somewhere between Roseanne Barr and Kevin Hart.
Also maybe Susan Surandon for being a Bernie Bro.
He had a stand up special (self-released) and has been doing shows. He also has the rights to his unreleased movie.
If you're powerful enough "cancelling" doesn't really mean much and I wouldn't be shocked if some network picks up his work at some point in the future.
His unreleased movie about dating a teenager or something?
Hope he keeps it that way.
If Louis C.K. was in a movie or television show, most people would not be bothered. There may be some outcry, but it wouldn't go anywhere. It's just that no studio or network wants to be the first one to hire him, if he even wants to.