MarxistHedonism [she/her]

  • 12 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2020


  • MarxistHedonism [she/her]toaskchapo*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    We never had active shooter drills. We had fire drills pretty regularly and occasionally had “emergency” drills where we would all go into the hallway and stand facing the lockers, so think that would have been really bad for an active shooter.

    One year, there was a man with a gun in the school and we all turned the lights off, barricaded the door (they didn’t lock), and turned over desks and sat on the floor.

    People were crying, but I wasn’t very worried because we were on the 7th floor and I didn’t think a shooter would bother with that many stairs. He was apprehended by a security guard and did not fire any shots, I’m not sure if we ever found out why he was there, but it seems like he wasn’t intending to shoot up the school and just happened to be armed.

    Another year, I wasn’t in school that day, but they locked down the school because there was a man shooting pigeons on a nearby roof.

    ETA: I just took it for granted that this is normal, but we had full time security guards that were not police who worked at the school. Every morning we went through metal detectors and the security guards searched our bags. They were really nice though and well-loved by the students.

  • There are definitely wrong doctors. That’s where the expression getting a second opinion comes from.

    Go to any women’s forum and you will see tons of post about women who left their doctor because they refused to give them tubal litigation or they were suffering for years with severe pain that they were told was normal only to find out they have a huge cyst or something similar.

    I’m sure this isn’t an experience exclusive to women, but it happens a lot.

  • This is so crazy to me as tech worker. I feel like what I do is meaningless and it’s insane that I get paid so much for it. I have a friend who’s a social worker and they qualify for Medicaid. Their job is so much harder than mine and they actually impact someone’s life.

    I can’t imagine one way how anything I’ve worked on made a positive impact.

  • MarxistHedonism [she/her]tothe_dunk_tankAmerican Psycho (2000)
    3 years ago

    I’m with you on this.

    Although maybe now that doorbell cameras are so prevalent, people might stop stealing taking an unfair amount. It seems like every year there’s a local viral story of someone caught stealing which leads to them being harassed.

    EDIT: Removed the word stealing, that wording feels too extreme.

  • I’m definitely not an expert, but here are some of the low/no equipment exercises I do with my trainer:

    • Hip bridges, you can also just put something heavy on your stomach if it’s too easy with just your body weight
    • Mountain climbers. You can do this on the floor or something around bench/couch height if you need to modify.
    • We do a ton of variations of step ups/step downs, you would need something stable to step onto. Doesn’t have to be very high but you might need to hold weight if you feel you’re not being challenged.
    • Planks
    • Wall sits
    • There’s also lots of ways to modify squats like sumo squats, one-legged squats and probably a lot more.

    I don’t do these, but you could also do burpees or jumping jacks.