This sounds so insane to me as someone that grew up in countries without guns. Like a dystopia. I'm not even anti-gun, but the fact that life in America is so fucked up that children are snapping and shooting people on a regular basis is... just... :yea:
As someone who worked in a school for almost 10 years, it brought me to tears when the kids asked me what I would do if someone tried to shoot everyone in the building
I couldn't bear to try and tell them a comforting lie, so I basically told them I would do as much as I could to keep them safe, but that I was just a goofy college student and definitely not bulletproof
When they told me that they would stay and help me fight, I had to take a minute
Yeah, keep in mind these kids were at most 10 years old
Not even teenagers and they're talking to me about death and dying like it's a serious possibility
When I say nuke the US it is not hyperbole. I literally have not met anyone in my life (who isnt a rich bougie fuck) is who isnt showing signs if at least one mental illness. Most of my friends have attempted suicide. I dont even thing people in the US would care I'd they were nuked. I certainly wouldnt
Enjoy this single slice of the cheapest possible cheese pizza to salve the psychic wounds from your mock execution
i can't imagine the damage this does to a child, that's one of the most terrifying situations to be in that i can imagine
I got to act as a shooter in a few drills. They gave us nerf guns. One time I took out the entire front office staff. Another time I went into a room and got dog piled by 5 teachers hiding.
:che-laugh: holy shit i never thought the staff got their own participatory drills. amazing. deranged. hilarious.
I learned how long it takes to barricade a door, and where most of the teachers would hide. So if anyone ever wants to shoot up a school, make sure to attend their drills beforehand :shrug-outta-hecks:
I overheard a joke about me being the one who would shoot up the school. I was a commie in middle school so hearing people thinking i was capable of something like that fucked me up
I ate with the Goth kids, who were also the queer kids in 1999. When Colombine happened the News was blaming it on the "Trenchcoat Mafia" aka Goths, so we caught some flak, mostly from adults, for being "Suspicious". It wasn't a good feeling, doubly so when I found out twenty fucking years later that the killers were actual Neo-Nazis and not even part of the goth clique.
I was a commie in middle school
How the fuck does anyone beat the imperialist propaganda at that age?
I mean I had brainworms like any other American. Punk music like Johnny hobo and leftover crack (fuck stza) was a gateway into me reading theory. Had nothing else to do in rural bumfuck nowhere
Yeah, things have changed a lot in that regard. When my dad was in high school, kids would put their guns in their lockers. He had a buddy who would walk his trapline on the way to school. My mom was in speech class when a kid gave a speech on gun safety . . . and shot a hole in the ceiling.
I was just finishing middle school when Columbine happened, so I was front and center when they started putting metal detectors and cameras everywhere
My strongest memory was getting in trouble when they made us watch a video about why they were installing all this expensive security stuff.
In the video, they showed off how youth fashion could be used to hide weapons on our person, exemplified by having a clearly 25 year old man dressets in JNCO'S and a Tommy Hilfiger polo pull at least 12 guns off his person, most egregiously a full-length shotgun from his pants leg
I started cracking up because that made absolutely no sense to me because HOW THE FUCK DO YOU WALK WITH YOUR PANTS THAT FULL OF GUN?
I got detention for "disrespectful behavior" towards a VHS tape
My parents were okay with it, so I didn't learn a goddamn thing
The absolutely best part about my high school's metal detector was that unless there was a security guard there to make you walk through it, there was enough clear space on both sides to just walk around it
Just a lot of security theater designed to make it seem like the school actually cared about us as human beings as opposed to ways to get money from our parents
You couldn't make this movie today
EZ pass just charges you either way you go
every door was hooked up with an alarm
We used to disable those to sneak across the street and smoke. It actually made it easier; you open a door on one side of the building and when everyone goes to check it out you leave from the other side.
I remember people would make bomb threats to get out of tests and stuff. They would have us all line up in the parking lot to do a head count. In hindsight we would've been sitting ducks for an actual shooter people were more worried about bombs.
It wasn't super uncommon to go hunting in the morning and have a shotgun in your car when you got to school by me... weird times
I know!
Like, who walks around with 12 guns like they're a mid-90's superhero with a name like Blüdgunn?
He got all 900 of them and he's keeping the giant poop on his mantle to show his friends and family
I'm glad the reward for that is poop. You should be punished for trying to collect all that crap.
I got maybe a third or so. I dunno, whatever I stumbled by. That was one of my favorite things about the game, was not only was there a lot to do, you didn't feel bad for ignoring shit you didn't wanna do. I didn't even know about Terry Town until after I beat the game and looked around for days and then finally looked up stuff online.
My partner was dead set on trying to find all of them until I told her that was the reward
Gave me some more time with the Switch
Like, there's that many so players can generally find enough to upgrade their inventory enough to have a satisfying carrying capacity. People complaining there were too many don't get the point that they weren't all meant to be found by one person.
I’m old enough where it was just the one school shooting, I even missed when bomb threats were the norm, so I was in this weird in-between stage of american youth mistrust
Same. Remember having a couple 'Code Red' drills, but nothing else related to this really. I remember tornado drills more (grew up in the Midwest)
it's extremely disturbing that this is just a thing that happens in america
I can't even imagine what it's like to be a student right now. I was lucky in that I went through school right before mass shootings started to take off and Columbine was regarded as something that couldn't happen here.
My senior year of High School the head of the swim team planned a school shooting and got as far as bringing the guns to school before he was caught. They found them in the trunk of his car. His plan was to kill the principal and “as many black kids as possible”. As far as I know he never faced any significant charges because his family was wealthy and well connected.
The news never really explained that the Colombine shooters were full fledged Neo-Nazis, and the national awareness of school shooters refuses to engage with the idea that many of them are white supremacists.
I had already graduated before this became a thing. Shit's so fucked. That said I can empathize because I've been in far too many similarly traumatizing situations. It's only going to get worse too.
I'm also gen z. The point on this site is that we are already under watch from feds, so they have our info, but also probably some proud boy style group or some dorks from 4chan or :reddit-logo:. We need to do our best to be ambiguous and vague so that if they ever get serious they aren't actually able to track one of us down. It's also just good practice to always perform solid opsec for the same reason you should treat a bb gun with rifle safety; it lessens the chance you will make a mistake with live ammo. We all should be involved with, and realistically most of us are trying to or planning on being involved with real orgs. when we get there, there will be more danger than there is here, and we need to be careful that we don't get tracked down and taken out.
wtf. My country was considered a murder capitol for a time and even then I never experienced anything like this at my shitty high school
every highschool year we’ve also had an assembly about what to do in a school shooting, and the instructions were “hide first, run second, and fight to survive if necessary.”
Jesus Christ the enmity and mistrust that must instill in people is traumatic. So happy I'm old enough to never have any of these drills
In South Africa we have fire drills, not active shooter ones, basically the whole school walks out of the classes onto the soccer field/rugby/cricket in an orderly manner (at least you're supposed to lol) and the teachers take attendance.
I used it as an opportunity to bunk class after attendance was taken.
"in freshman year of highschool we had our usual lockdown drill that we do several times a year, only they made it seem like a realistic shooting. cops fired blanks in the hallway several times, and people banged on doors as if to break the door down. afterwards the principal informed us it was all a drill to prepare us for an active shooter, but most people were pissed and many were traumatized. and i know some schools do even worse shit."
this is absolutely fucking heinous