MaoTheLawn [any, any]

  • 244 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2020

  • MaoTheLawn [any, any]tochapotraphousepikachushocked.jpg
    19 days ago

    I saw a video of Charlie Kirk quoting Gramsci's prison notes the other day to call someone a cultural fascist.

    The comments were all jerking him off for being so incredibly smart and well read.

  • MaoTheLawn [any, any]totechnologyr/uplifting_news
    19 days ago

    Jesus Christ lol that's awful. Amazons less directly oppressive but there's a lot more surveillance id imagine. Break the rules enough, and eventually some loser sitting on the cams will send your name to HR.

  • MaoTheLawn [any, any]totechnologyr/uplifting_news
    19 days ago

    I believe there was but I only used it once so I don't know. The memory is hazy - perhaps you could buy as many as you wanted, but the first one was free. I don't remember exactly.

  • MaoTheLawn [any, any]totechnologyr/uplifting_news
    20 days ago

    Mandatory Amazon warehouse story:

    They have rate trackers, to track how fast a worker scans items or whatever. You get constantly hounded by supervisors if you don't hit your rates. On the screens by your stations, there's constant reminders to take wellbeing breaks and stretch breaks and stuff, even though that's an impossibility if you want to hit your rate.

    Then there's these wellness booths. I believe they were soundproof. They were just little huts people would go into to have their breakdowns or to escape the constant noise of the warehouse.

    Then there's the vending machines. You can swipe your worker id card to get free painkillers. No, I'm not joking. They have vending machines for paracetamol.

    It's crazy how often I reference my time at Amazon, when I only worked there for like 3-4 months.

  • I went AMD first a while ago, be prepared for some games not to work (R6 SIEGE... years ago though, not sure how it is now) without some workarounds and stuff.

    Also, I don't know, but you could consider Bluetooth in the MOBO as well. My PC is just general use and gaming (built for like £800 5 years ago) and I regret not having Bluetooth without using an extra chip and all that.

    Also I'm not seeing a case on there. When I was new to this stuff I bought the wrong sized case initially and had to send it back. Make sure it fits before you buy.

  • There's a lot of factors - when I was in a job I liked and wanted a good reference, I'd be apologetic, do it as far in advance as I could (the evening before is better than the morning of), let them know when I'd definitely be back at work.

    When I worked at Amazon, the policy is very specific, the company is massive, I didnt care about getting fired, and most of my co workers weren't fluent in English, so I just said 'hello, I am ill, I cannot come to work, I am using PTO/NPTO, thanks.'

    It also depends if you're expected to find cover or if they are.

    If you 'never' do it, then you've probably got a reputation for being reliable, and as such you can take a day off guilt free. I'd say:

    Hello (person),

    I have come down with an illness and I am feeling too sick right now to work today/tomorrow. Apologies for the last second notification - it came out of nowhere.

    I am confident it will pass and I will be available to work for (next shift/whatever), if this changes I will let you know as soon as possible. Apologies for any inconveniences.

    Many thanks, From PERSON.

    You could even add a grovelling 'you know I don't call in sick often' sort of remark.

    If anyone ever asked me in person what I had I'd just say 'oh the works I don't know just totally knocked out yeah very weird anyway'