DickFuckarelli [he/him]

  • 101 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 9th, 2020


  • DickFuckarelli [he/him]toMainTC69 UPDATE: HOT OFF THE PRESSES
    4 months ago

    I promised myself I wasn't going to comment. I've been reading shit for days on the sideline and just biting my tongue. And I can no longer keep doing that.

    So I'll try to be brief.

    After witnessing a few struggle sessions in my time, and being the center of a recurring one for a while, I'm just going to be blunt: I don't trust the admins. Those who run this site do so behind closed doors and they have an agenda. An agenda often at odds with the userbase, and drenched in hypocrisy when decisions are made and rolled out.

    Just fess up. You all hold the keys and you do what you want, when you want. It's always been that way. Please, stop pretending anything will ever be equitable. It's just... not. I would respect the honesty vice management bending themselves into pretzels to make it look like their doing the community any favors. I mean, lets be real: the only reason why the tanks discussion is causing such a meltdown is because the overreach this time was off the charts, affecting so many users. But it's always been that way.

  • Mid 2000s comedy starring a Wilson brother and Vince Vaughn.

    Title: Bang Brothers

    Here's the plot:

    Wilson bro has the hots for a girl he meets at a corporate retreat for small business owners/corporate types. Wilson brother owns a gun shop with Vince Vaughn called Bang Bros. Love interest is CFO of a non-profit to raise LGBTQ awareness. Through a series of mistaken identity and hijinx, Wilson brother and Vince have to shoot a porn in order to win the affection of his new CFO friend, and to somehow evade back taxes.

    I don't know how it ends but Will Ferrell makes a cameo appearance as a porn industry mogul which is unfunnier than everything that happens before it.