Here are some that I can think of:

  • Michael Richards- used the n-word multiple times in response to black hecklers during a stand-up performance.

  • Roseanne Barr- said Valerie Jarrett, who is partially black, looked like a Planet of the Apes character.

  • Gina Carano- compared Joe Biden's policies as President to the Holocaust.

Even then, Carano will be working for The Daily Wire and Barr was doing a stand-up tour prior to the coronavirus pandemic. Also, Richards has made or still does make a lot of money off of Seinfeld and probably could have had a career like Jason Alexander (making the rounds as a television guest star), if he wanted.

  • FidelCashflow [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I feel bad about the Roseanne one. That one legit looks like she got skronged off psych meds not working for her and she really wasn't capable of self regulating her behavior. Suprise a mentally ill women who respects the poor is one of the few that actually got hit

    • Ryan_Holman [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I would certainly bet she was having a mental issue at that point. Unfortunately, it seemed nobody really helped her and it cost her.

      Frankly, if some liberal said essentially the same thing about a Republican black woman it would have been a brief controversy that went nowhere, at worst.