There's a character called Peacemaker and hes Captain America but evil cause America does mostly bad shit.

However the movie is basically set in Cuba and the heroes free it at the end. It does a lot to try to muddy the waters and not make it seem to much like a real country, but the "Viva Fictional Country" chants at the end and line about now being a free and democratic country have to be courtesy of the CIA.

It's some incredibly politically confused shit. Kind of a good movie I guess, probably the best DCEU film and much better than his Guardians of the Galaxy movies. Didn't feel as focus tested. Its also basically a remake of the first one but with actual pacing.

  • jabrd [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I'm only 30 minutes in but so far it seems like they're really driving home that American intervention only results in mass death and comically evil fuck ups. But yea the govt they're there to topple seems like an obvious stand in for Cuba. Especially liked that Waller mentioned the US being cool with the previous dictators of the island dEsPiTe ThEir aUthOrItArIaN MeThOdS and are now only getting involved because the new dude in charge explicitly questions US global hegemony

    Edit: lol holy fuck they made el presidente a gigachad who's going to try to sleep with Harley, the assassin sent to kill him. Where have I heard of that before lol :fidel-cool: Also I just noticed that their flag looks almost identical to Venezuela's, cool

    Bro holy fuck how could anyone think this movie is anything but anti-American? Spoiler alert: the big evil experiment they're there for was set up by the US in not!Cuba via collaboration with the previous dictatorship and is housed in a base built by Nazis fleeing the fall of the third reich. The politics surrounding the not!Castro character are shit because hollywood libs think of the Cuban communist party as equivalent to a military junta, but the rest of the film is again and again about the evils of US intervention and our complicity in creating the evils of the world. I guess I have another 40 minutes to go so maybe they'll turn it around and shit all over the message in the end but I'm floored that anyone could watch this and think the US is the good guys. I mean shit peacemaker puts it in bold print that the US is willing to kill civilians, kill women and children, torture, maim, rape, commit Nazi style human experiments to protect its own interests