• VeganVelveeta [she/her]
    4 years ago

    a nurse friend that did a unanimous union vote


    currently the plan is to strap them down and force the mask on them cause theyre fuckin idiots, tape it to the back of their head if necessary


    did a vote to expel all nurses that refused masks/vax too. there really is no excuse to not get vaxxed as a nurse


      • 01100011101001111100 [she/her]
        4 years ago

        Legit, I think nurses and teachers and "reproductive capital" (cant remember the term but al the shit that keeps capitalism ticking over by keeping workers minimally healthy and educated) in general are going to form the locus of revolutionary labor in the coming struggles this decade. Like the longshoremen and railway workers and coal miners all were for the last big struggle.

        To the point that if you're not sure what to do for work and wanna do good shit for the cause, go become a nurse or teacher and salt and organize with them.

        • Mardoniush [she/her]
          4 years ago

          "And what shall I say to the schoolmaster — not to the man who looks upon his profession as a wearisome business, but to him who, when surrounded by a joyous band of young pickles, feels exhilarated by their cheery looks and in the midst of their happy laughter — to him who tries to plant in their little heads those ideas of humanity which he cherished himself when he was young?

          Often I see that you are sad, and I know what it is that makes you knit your brows. This very day, your favorite pupil who is not very well up in Latin, it is true, but who has nonetheless an excellent heart, recited the story of William Tell with so much vigor! His eyes sparkled; he seemed to wish to stab all tyrants there and then; he gave with such fire the passionate lines of Schiller:

          Before the slave when he breaks his chain,

          Before the free man tremble not.

          But when he returned home, his mother, his father, his uncle sharply rebuked him for want of respect to the minister or the rural policeman; they held forth to him by the hour on “prudence, respect of authority, submission to his betters,” till he put Schiller aside in order to read “Self-Help.”

          And then, only yesterday, you were told that your best pupils have all turned out badly. One does nothing but dream of becoming an officer; another in league with his master robs the workers of their slender wages; and you, who brood over the sad contrast between your ideal, and life as it is.

          You still brood over it! Then I foresee that in two years, at the outside, after having suffered disappointment after disappointment, you will lay your favorite authors on the shelf, and you will end by saying that Tell was no doubt a very honest fellow, but after all a trifle cracked; that poetry is a first-rate thing for the fireside, especially whan a man has been teaching the rule-of-three all day long, but still poets are always in the clouds and their views have nothing to do with the life of today, nor with the next visit of the Inspector of Schools...

          Or, on the other hand, the dreams of your youth will become the firm convictions of your mature age. You will wish to have wide, human education for all, in school and out of school; and seeing that this is impossible in existing conditions, you will attack the very foundations of bourgeois society. Then, discharged as you will be by the Education Department, you will leave your school and come among us and be of us; you will tell men of riper years but of smaller attainments than yourself how enticing knowledge is, what mankind ought to be — nay, what we could be. You will come and work with Socialists for the complete transformation of the existing system, will strive side by side with us to attain true equality, real fraternity, never-ending liberty for the world."

          Kropotkin - An Appeal to the Young.

        • kristina [she/her]
          4 years ago

          i think youll find those seeds of radicalization among hispanic and immigrant people the most tbh, they came here more recently so have less generational inside-the-beast propaganda on them

          • GoneWithYourWind [des/pair]
            4 years ago

            But they also self selected to be here, many of them because they had striver/get rich type dreams.

            • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
              4 years ago

              Seeing those dreams collide with reality can be radicalizing, though not in everyone.

                • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
                  4 years ago

                  Cubans (used to?) get all sorts of benefits and special treatment when they come to the U.S., extending all the way to a valuable position in the electoral process. So they may not be a good predictor for other Latin Americans who move here.