• BakedPotatoJohnson [any]
        3 years ago

        The voluntary unvaxed should have medical care and all other social services withheld until they do the right thing cmv

        • MarxMadness [comrade/them]
          3 years ago

          I'll change your view: we should just forcibly vaccinate them.

          There are basically two approaches to achieving a high rate of vaccination. The first is what we've done with other vaccines for decades -- give a little bit of a carrot to get it done, but make it really tough to live an ordinary life if you don't. The main argument for this is that it preserves freedom, but what freedom is it preserving? The freedom to harm yourself, your kids, and the people around you? The freedom to do all that while greatly inconveniencing yourself and your kids, because you can't do anything you have to have shots to do? A weaker argument is that this will lead to the government being able to put whatever it wants in your bodies, but the ship has effectively sailed on that long ago. Whatever sense this approach originally made, it's quickly becoming untenable as anti-vaccine hysteria has grown from a small crank community to a huge chunk of the population.

          The second approach is mandatory vaccination. Now maybe you have some exceptions for longstanding, sincerely-held religious beliefs. But everyone else? We can't tolerate their bullshit (or laziness, or even semi-legitimate skepticism) forever. This would be the more honest policy, as it comes out and says what the first policy is trying to do, and it's probably the only thing that would work at this point.

          • BakedPotatoJohnson [any]
            3 years ago

            I agree with that! Also no exceptions for religions it's an unacceptable loophole. Just bribe their religious leaders to say their gods will be able to forgive them or something.

          • PlantsRstillCool [des/pair]
            3 years ago

            The freedom the first system you describe is preserving isn't the freedom of the unvaxxed to hurt themselves and their families. It's the freedom of everyone else to not have to be around those plague rats in places like grocery stores and such.

            I really don't like the idea of forcing people to get a shot even if we know they should

            • MarxMadness [comrade/them]
              3 years ago

              I'm sympathetic to the idea that we shouldn't force people to get shots, but we effectively already do. That's the goal of the first system -- to make it near-impossible to live a normal life if you don't get vaccinated -- so why not just be honest about it? You also have plenty of other stuff we're effectively forced to put in our bodies (everything from fluoride in public water to all the various pollutants we're swimming in). So why draw the line here?

              • PlantsRstillCool [des/pair]
                3 years ago

                Technically you can filter your water so I don't quite agree with that line if thinking that compares it to fluoride and pollution.

                But I do see your point that both systems are ultimately the same

      • Nagarjuna [he/him]
        3 years ago

        The US knew there was a significant conspiracy minded libertarian population when they chose not to follow New Zealand's lead in dealing with the Pandemic. This is not on the Q cult, this is on the American government.

  • PlantsRstillCool [des/pair]
    3 years ago

    I have been trying to tell this to unvaxxed people I know. They always say it's 'their choice's or that the vaccine 'just isn't right for them'.

    If I was in charge I would declare that people who haven't gotten the vaccine by choice and come down with covid will be going to the back of the line for all forms of healthcare. They are killing people with their selfishness.

    • VernetheJules [they/them]
      3 years ago

      be going to the back of the line for all forms of healthcare

      but in America we don't have waiting lines for healthcare! Nice try 😎

  • came_apart_at_Kmart [he/him, comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    my dentist said i needed to get my wisdom teeth out. of course, oral surgery takes a combination of dental and health insurance (meaning two different for-profit insurance providers) so i had to figure out a place that was in-network for both to prevent myself from getting an out of network bill. i asked one place that took my dental but not medical insurance what it would cost, and they could not even estimate it because they wouldn't know until the surgery was done and they submitted the paperwork. so that's cool.

    of course, the place that does take both is the huge provider in my region. it took a week of phone calls, requests to fax/email documentation between two offices, and just plain bullshit to finally schedule my pre-surgery consult. it's a month out. who knows when i'll actually get to have the surgery. hopefully this year?

    and for those of you with universal/national healthcare: the monthly premiums for insurance ($270/month for medical, $265/month for dental). and even then i'll probably have to pay out of pocket $35 for the consult meeting and $80 per tooth for the surgery. and i upgraded to the "good" dental.


    • Nagarjuna [he/him]
      3 years ago

      If there's a trade school in your area you might be able to get a oral surgery student to do it pro bono.

  • Awoo [she/her]
    3 years ago

    This is why I keep pointing out to people, yes even on this site, that you must not have a "fuck em" attitude to the anti-maskers. They can not be ignored, you can not have an "oh well just let them die, we tried" attitude to their anti-mask behaviour.

    They are getting people killed that have absolutely nothing to do with covid through the sheer weight of their numbers they are putting into the system.

  • emizeko [they/them]
    3 years ago


  • Chaddykins [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    "Pulling out of Afghanistan is an insult to the soldiers that died there!!!" "Wear a mask and get vaccinated to protect other Americans?? MY CHOICE MY FREEDOM SWEATY!!!"