• marxisthayaca [he/him,they/them]
    4 年前


    Priory of the Orange Tree - Samantha Shannon, which I recommended here. An eight hundred page epic and I was smitten by the characters and their struggles. The lesbian romance is also pretty sweet.


    Gaza: An Inquest into its Martyrdom - Norman Fnklestein | I would be a terrible book-club host if I was not trying to finish Gaza: An Inquest into its Martyrdom. I'm on part three, and you can see how after the Goldstein report, the Palestinians start to shift tactics and conditions on the ground start shifting away from the Israeli narrative. That said, the fact Israel can drop a ton of explosive is a goddamn crime.

    Iranians in Texas - a Professor gifted me his book and he even signed the front for me in Farsi. An anthropological, sociological and ethnographic study of the Iranian diaspora in Texas analyzed not just through the most basic immigration theory of assimilation, but through the political turmoil that has roiled the two countries' political relationships and therefore affected Iranian integration in American life.


    • GRAD SCHOOL started yesterday, so I don't know what my TBR is gonna be like from now on.