The photo is of a hardcore antivaxer who took ivermectin and then died.

The drawing is a picture of a horse by the immortal artist Lisa Frank.

  • happybadger [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Is that a practical option? Given that they're selling vaccine passports to each other, disbelieving in the virus, refusing to get tested when they get it, and infecting all of the people they break normal protocols to interact with before it kills them, do you think that's even on the table? From the state or federal governments that can't make them wear masks or get a vaccine? From the antimasker/antivax police threatening to resign if they're mandated to get it? From the military that now has to threaten to discharge its right wingers en masse because they refuse to get it?

    I didn't say the choice was pretty. That's the choice. These are the clearly defined sides and one of them obviously gets you or someone you care about killed. The other kills someone who chose to die. Are you going to solve the trolley problem by starting the trolley, running ahead of it, and tying yourself to the track that has the most people on it?

    • OgdenTO [he/him]
      3 years ago

      It seems you are attempting to make a "realist" rationalization of why you're happy that this guy died. You are saying that because our government and health care actions are so ineffective, that it's actually something to celebrate that this guy was killed?

      I'm finding this rationale is lazy. In the case that the government was actually able to implement real lockdowns, providing food and rent relief for those that are kept indoors, do these people still deserve to die? Like, in China's response to the pandemic, these people would either be vaccinated, or they would be kept indoors. There wouldn't be this option to literally kill themselves because of misinformation.

      If they would be alive if the government weren't supporting their decisions to take ivermectin and go about transmitting covid, isn't it the government who is responsible not only for their death, but also for their transmitting covid?

      I have a hard time with your personal responsibility take.

      • happybadger [he/him]
        3 years ago

        No, I'm saying that because he is a terrorist I'm glad he's dead. If he sneezed in a jar and then threw that jar at the ground it would be a bioweapon. If he sneezed on a blanket and gave that blanket to you it would be a bioweapon. He encouraged others to sneeze onto everything and had the obvious result everyone told him would happen. With as much mental autonomy as you have.

        I fully recognise that there are failures at all level of government. That this hog voted for. The healthcare system is a moral abomination and guess who voted for it. His life up until this point was creating the mousetrap and then he spent his final year trying to convince people to eat the mysterious cheese before taking a bite himself. His personal responsibility is only the same you face when you wash your hands, put on a face mask or a seat belt, click one google result over the other. The most basic shit he chose at every turn to not do, specifically to risk your life. I can hate the government as well as the people who enable it at the same time. I can hate an ideology and the people who reinforce it at the level on which I exist. If you don't, what is the obvious result of this person spending another day walking around? How many innocent people are you willing to murder to preserve this plague rat? Knowing how hard he's worked to eat the cheese and force you to. This is not some abstract moral puzzle for old white dandies to jerk themselves off over. This is an immediate threat to your life and to any population you could claim to be protecting by enabling antivaxxers. Fuck the people they vote for but those aren't the people sending their children to school with yours. Their parents don't go into the nursing homes yours will. It's this guy and every carrier like him.

        • OgdenTO [he/him]
          3 years ago

          As far as it's not an abstract moral puzzle - which part. That there are people who have literally been tricked into spreading misinformation and disease, or the part that you choose to celebrate that used person's death?

          I get what you're saying. I don't have to be happy that a person is dead now that would be alive under a different system. This is not a person welding money and power, this is not a terrorist, this is a brainwashed dummy who is a victim of the system. Literally all saying is rebelling in their death, regardless how ironic you see it being, is blue maga lib shit.

          I am kind of suprised to see you suggest that the answer is to :vote: better.

          • happybadger [he/him]
            3 years ago

            That there are people who have literally been tricked into spreading misinformation and disease

            Which doesn't matter when the result is that they're actively spreading a disease. Nazi shit tricks mass shooters into committing massacres but we don't absolve them by pretending they're an impressionable baby. When they die it's a net gain at every level of the system I'm still free to condemn without their obstruction. This plague rat absolutely is a terrorist because he is purposely spreading a fatal disease. Any erasure there just makes you complicit in that. Maybe your fucking around won't result in finding out.

            • OgdenTO [he/him]
              3 years ago

              Look dude, if you don't understand the power of propaganda and the generational legacy of white supremacy and neoliberalism has wrought on the us fine, but like, don't tell me I have to be happy that someone is dead, especially when they were not the instigator nor fundamental cause of continuing poor conditions due to covid. That's clearly the people in power and the people with money.

              Blaming anyone who is not bourgeoisie for the mess we're in is falling for pro bourgeoisie propaganda.

              • happybadger [he/him]
                3 years ago

                Feel free to go express that working class solidarity in r/nonewnormal. See if they think you're human and watch as they kill more.

                • OgdenTO [he/him]
                  3 years ago

                  What are you talking about? Me, not celebrating the death of a victim of capitalism, is somehow not human? You, celebrating the death of a non-bourgeoisie, is somehow a champion of worker solidarity?

                  Edit: I just looked up what nonewnormal is. I'm not on Reddit so I had no idea. You think I'm an antivaxxer? Not at all the case. Everyone should be vaccinated that can be, and those that can't be should be locked down and supported by the state.

                  Just because I refuse to be happy about the death of a rube doesn't make me an antivaxxer, it makes me not a fucking monster. I think the government needs to step up, and every preventable death that is a result of shitty government policies is a sad one.

                  • happybadger [he/him]
                    3 years ago

                    Anyway I was waiting to spring this on you.

                    That's Robert David Steele, former marine and ex-CIA agent. He's a recurring Infowars guest most famous for his antivaxxer and Sandy Hook denialism conspiracies.

                    In your quest to be the most enlightened pacifist, there's the company you keep Hogfucker.