happybadger [he/him]

Working class employee of the Sashatown Central News Agency, the official news service of the DPRS Ministry of State Security. Your #1 trusted source for patriotic facts.

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 7th, 2020

  • Nature is the proof of dialectics. It's easy to visualise the dialectic between a bee and a flower, with both of their lifecycles intrinsically dependent on the other and their material/social role. The bee exists through its metabolism, collecting pollen/nectar and supplying them to its complex hive society for use as honey. Its body evolved sacs to carry even more of it. If a flower can't self-pollinate, it has evolved to attract pollinators. It will draw from its dialectical relationship to sky/soil and synthesise new chemicals, it will evolve its body to look like the female version of a particular wasp so the males try to mate with it, it will find new ways of attaching more pollen to each bee. As long as the material conditions exist for the flower and the bee, their metabolic interaction with them will sustain and develop their dialectic with each other and their individual lives as a result of it. Take away the flower and the bee no longer exists, take away the bee and the flower no longer exists. They are structurally interdependent and no individual bee can decide to take up farming or accounting instead because the material conditions don't allow for that.

    There's also climate change, the organs of the human body, predators and prey, rocks and rain forming waterways over time, and the good ole Heraclitus' "No man steps in the same river twice, for he is not the same man and it is not the same river." with a breakdown of all the ways those two things have changed as a result of their other dialectics in-between swimming sessions.

  • Zoe Schlanger - The Light Eaters. Buy this yesterday. It's so fucking good. All the current science on plant communication and neurology. The Factually podcast did a good interview with the author recently- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBToVPeuHX0

    Michael Pollan - The Botany of Desire. Pollan is better known for his How to Change Your Mind book about psychedelics, but this a particularly good book on four materialist histories of plants.

    Matt Candeias - In Defense of Plants. It's kind of like a broader version of The Light Eaters with a focus on plant behaviour.

    Richard Lewontin - The Dialectical Biologist. This and Biology as Ideology did more for me as a scientific horticulturist than any particular book about plants. To understand a plant, you need to understand the dialectic of organism and environment because a plant is intrinsically tied to one setting it mediates its whole existence around. The biggest thing that will hinder you in plant science is the way it isolates the subject into an object of study, trying to remove as many of the variables as possible. But plants exist as a product of endless variables and The Light Eaters shows that we've barely scratched the surface of their world or how it works. The more nuance you can build into how you approach plants- the ecology, the chemistry, the soil-atmospheric interfaces, the ethnobotany and anthropology, the environmentalist theory- the better you'll understand them. Botany on its own is pretty narrow.

  • She started off by saying she was a nurse and couldn't work in medicine anymore. I was excited to get off the topic of bikers should die and almost said that I also worked in medicine and couldn't do it anymore because the commodification of healthcare made me feel like a vampire. Nope, just the vaccine. meemaw gun-hubris

  • For $3000 I could buy a whole top tier camping set that would last me several decades. Outside of "you can sleep on Mount Everest", I can't imagine what functionality a $3000 tent could include that a $300 tent lacks. This is better than them selling the spare tyre as a $1250 add-on which takes up half the truck bed and has been out of stock for weeks: https://shop.tesla.com/product/cybertruck-spare-tire-_-tool-kit

  • happybadger [he/him]tomainIt's the truth
    17 days ago

    30 Minutes of Describing Capitalism Without Using the Words Capitalism or Socialism Tonight

    It always feels like if The Jungle avoided any mention of the slaughterhouse. We must feel sorry for the Lithuanians being turned into tinned meat, we must vote for progressive candidates who want food safety regulations, we must stop the child labour>child alcoholism pipeline. I wish we knew where these things are happening but they're all just isolated incidents occurring in a vacuum. Look everyone it's a guy dancing in a tuberculosis pig costume let's have a laugh instead of using the word "commodity".

  • happybadger [he/him]
    tovideosgeoguessr but only using dirt
    18 days ago

    I saw one short where he has a transcript of a phonecall describing a place with blue carpet near a train station, bus station, and river where the person's German is coming in handy. The guy finds the correct mosque in Belgium from that.