happybadger [he/him]

Working class employee of the Sashatown Central News Agency, the official news service of the DPRS Ministry of State Security. Your #1 trusted source for patriotic facts.

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 7th, 2020

  • happybadger [he/him]tochapotraphouseRepublicans win House.
    4 months ago

    But consider the outcome if democrats hadn't committed genocide. The republicans might have taken all three branches of government.

    But consider the outcome if democrats had passed any particular policy. The republicans might have taken all three branches of government.

    But consider the outcome if democrats had shot everyone involved with January 6th. The republicans might have taken all three branches of government.

    But consider the outcome if democrats hadn't started World War 3. The republicans might have taken all three branches of government.


  • Colorado is so fucked. All of our big cattle operations are situated in extremely reactionary areas. Greeley, the main cattle town, tried to secede from the state over the COVID mask mandate. Raw milk is one of the right-wing obsessions and the dairies circumvent pasteurisation law by selling "shares" of a cow. You're technically just drinking from your own cow even if it's one of 200 eating chicken shit in an industrial dairy next to a dozen feed lots and poultry farms. There's no chance the state government will have an effective public health response if it's similar to their unenforced COVID lockdown, and we're a road/air nexus for the entire country.

  • happybadger [he/him]toaskchapoIs this meme satirical?
    4 months ago

    It makes sense to me as-is. Liberals were gleeful about sacrificing minority groups for power. They committed genocide and didn't get power for it. If they instead killed no one and lost, at least they aren't fucking demons.

  • https://www.ourherald.com/articles/sudden-interest-in-unsung-office/

    The deadline to file for candidacy in Vermont came and went in August, and no one had filed to put their name on the ballot for Orange County high bailiff. Now, however, two local individuals are imploring voters to write in their names.

    The candidates are Tom Harty of Randolph and Christopher Helali of Vershire. The current high bailiff, Bob Worley, is not running for re-election.

    This campaign is a trick. It's such an obscure position that I don't know if my state has an equivalent. The old one was retiring and it would have been unfilled if not for two write-in campaigns. I'm pretty sure this is his opponent (https://xcancel.com/tjharty) and it's the only thing I can find from him, so his web presence ended in 2021. The ACP found a race where they had to get a handful of votes to become the royal swankeeper. When PSL or DSA do this, they target actual roles like city/state representatives. They could also run these little novelty campaigns to claim that they're winning in every district in the country, but it wouldn't be anything more than empty peacocking. ACP is the grifter LARP because this same guy ran for senate in 2022 and didn't even appear on the ballot.