CW for extreme violence and racism.

On this day in 1955, while visiting family in Money, Mississippi, 14-year-old Emmett Till, an African American from Chicago, was brutally murdered for allegedly flirting with a white woman four days earlier.

His assailants—the white woman’s husband and her brother—made Emmett carry a 75-pound cotton gin fan to the bank of the Tallahatchie River and ordered him to take off his clothes. The two men then beat him nearly to death, gouged out his eye, shot him in the head and then threw his body, tied to the cotton gin fan with barbed wire, into the river.

Till grew up in a working-class neighborhood on the south side of Chicago, and though he had attended a segregated elementary school, he was not prepared for the level of segregation he encountered in Mississippi. His mother warned him to take care because of his race, and Emmett being as young as he was enjoyed harmless jokes.

On August 24, while standing with his cousins and some friends outside a country store in Money, Emmett bragged that his girlfriend back home was white. Emmett’s friends, disbelieving him, dared Emmett to ask the white woman sitting behind the store counter for a date.

He went in, bought some candy, and on the way out was heard saying, “Bye, baby” to the woman. There were no witnesses in the store, but Carolyn Bryant—the woman behind the counter—later made up the story that he grabbed her, made lewd advances and wolf-whistled at her as he sauntered out.

Roy Bryant, the proprietor of the store and the woman’s husband, returned from a business trip a few days later and heard how Emmett had allegedly spoken to his wife. Enraged, he went to the home of Till’s great uncle, Mose Wright, with his half-brother J.W. Milam in the early morning hours of August 28.

The pair demanded to see the boy. Despite pleas from Wright, they forced Emmett into their car. After driving around in the night, and perhaps beating Till in a toolhouse behind Milam’s residence, they drove him down to the Tallahatchie River.

Three days later, his corpse was recovered but was so disfigured that Mose Wright could only identify it by an initialed ring. Authorities wanted to bury the body quickly, but Till’s mother, Mamie Bradley, requested it be sent back to Chicago.

After seeing the mutilated remains, she decided to have an open-casket funeral so that all the world could see what racist murderers had done to her only son. Jet, an African American weekly magazine, published a photo of Emmett’s corpse, and soon the mainstream media picked up on the story.

Less than two weeks after Emmett’s body was buried, Milam and Bryant went on trial in a segregated courthouse in Sumner, Mississippi. There were few witnesses besides Mose Wright, who positively identified the defendants as Emmett’s killers.

On September 23, the all-white jury deliberated for less than an hour before issuing a verdict of “not guilty,” explaining that they believed the state had failed to prove the identity of the body. Many people around the country were outraged by the decision and also by the state’s decision not to indict Milam and Bryant on the separate charge of kidnapping.

Resources for Palestine :palestine-heart:

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They leave at 7:15 and arrive at 8:15.

Average speed

A comrade is delivering supplies on foot. They go half their route at 12 mph :ancom-pat:. with no load. The rest of the way their load slows them down to 4 mph.

What is their average speed?

Like usual remember to dm @Wmill the answer.

hope y'all are doing well yourself, i feel pretty good

  • DeathToBritain [she/her,they/them]
    3 years ago

    while true, the nature of the trinity is a lot more to do with Greek philosophy than it is Persian. the dualistic philosophy of struggle between good and evil is a far more modern concept, and has really only been popularised among American Baptists

    • WhoaSlowDownMaurice [they/them, undecided]
      3 years ago

      It's really a shame that all of the 'heretic' strains of christianity like Arianism, Bogomilism and Catharism were either wiped out or disappeared. I particularly like Arianism's idea of a more separated, almost polytheistic Trinity.

      • DeathToBritain [she/her,they/them]
        3 years ago

        it's funny you say that, because depending on who you ask a 'almost polytheistic Trinity' is what Christians worship. a common critique in Islam of Christians is that they are polytheists who go against monotheism. in Islam you have the VERY important concept of Tawhid, the 'oneness' of God, that is extremely central to a lot of Islamic philosophy and theology. and so to have these 3 semi independent 'aspects' of God is polytheism according to Islamic scholars

        • WhoaSlowDownMaurice [they/them, undecided]
          3 years ago

          Exposing myself as a nerd here, but I kinda see the type of relationship between Jesus and God as being shown in this passage in an Elder Scrolls lore document, "Shor son of Shor":

          "Shor found the alcove at the core of the world and spoke to his dead father. He said a prayer to remove any trickery of mirrors and the ghost of Shor father of Shor appeared, saying 'Ald and the others have paid time and again for the the sins we accused them of, and by that you should hold them as dead and shake not the spears of your tribe against any of their kind again. Of the above he speaks, Ald is confused by it, for above us is only an ending, and above that still is only a scribe that hasn't written anything yet. Ald as always forgets the ground below him, and condemns himself and any other who would believe him into this cycle."

          "But Shor shook his head at this, for he was akin to Ald and did not care much for logic-talk as much as he did only for his own standing. He told his father that these words had been said before and Shor only sighed and said, "Yes, and always they will be ignored. As for the counsel you crave, bold son, and in spite of all your other fathers here with me, that you create every time you spit out your doom, do not worry. You have again beat the drum of war, and perhaps this time you will win." Shor son of Shor returned then to us on the mountaintop."