Roger Waters is a English songwriter, singer and bassist who was born on this day in 1943. His most famous work is with Pink Floyd's 4 concept albums, DSOTM, WYWH, Animals and The Wall. He, along with David Gilmour is the "leader" of the band, though they collaborated much more in their earlier albums.

His father was a communist who died in WW2 during the battle of Anzio, which inspired the album The Wall, also inspired by his over-protective mother and feeling of isolation from performance.

The albums he most prominently wrote on were Animals, The Wall and The Final Cut (which did not realize nearly the same amount of praise as the other albums.)

Roger Waters is a avid socialist advocate and anti-Israel person, who raises money and posts videos about various humanitarian issues in the world. A lot of his work on "Animals" is anti-cop, anti-capitalist and pro-revolution, often very obviously.

Roger was inducted along with the rest of Pink Floyd in 1996, and continues to tour to this day.

Comprehensive list of resources for those in need of an abortion :feminism:

Resources for Palestine :palestine-heart:

Here are some resourses on Prison Abolition :brick-police:

Foundations of Leninism :USSR:

:lenin-shining: :unity: :kropotkin-shining:

Anarchism and Other Essays :ancom:

Remember, sort by new you :LIB:

Follow the Hexbear twitter account :comrade-birdie:

THEORY; it’s good for what ails you (all kinds of tendencies inside!) :RIchard-D-Wolff:


Come listen to music with your fellow Hexbears in :og-hex-bear:

Queer stuff? Come talk in the Queer version of the megathread ! :sicko-queer:

Monthly Neurodiverse Megathread and Monthly ND Venting Thread :Care-Comrade:

Join the fresh and beautiful batch of new comms:

! :iww:

! :meow-anarchist: :meow-tankie:

! :libretion:

So no winners for the last one but I :rat-salute: everyone still.

Previous answer

In 24 hours the watch gained 1/2 - 1/3 = 1/6 minute. It would seem it would be 5 minutes fast in 5 times 6 = 30 days; that is, the morning of May 31. But already on the morning of May 28 the watch was 27/6 = 4 1/2 minutes fast. At the close of that day the watch gained 1/2 minute more, so it was 5 minutes fast on May 28.

A shooting match

Andryusha :frog-no-pretext:, Borya :hst-gun:, and Volodya :brace-cowboy: each fired 6 shots, and each got 71 points.

Image of shots fired

Andryusha's first 2 shots got 22 points and Volodya's first shot got only 3 points. Who hit the bull's-eye?

Like usual have fun :soviet-heart: and remember to dm @Wmill the answer.

Sorry for the short thread, had a busy day.

  • marxisthayaca [he/him,they/them]
    3 years ago

    My wife has gone from "you are my rockstar and I want straight As in grad school" to "enjoy time off with the kids". Partly cause I have demonstrated I'm taking this seriously enough, partly cause I started therapy after 2020 gave me big-burnout energy. This weekend, I locked myself in the room for a couple of hours trying to design a syllabus due today and I am just struggling with the legalese and formal academic language. That shit is just not my vibe. So I'm thinking of reworking what little I accomplished into a more casual writing style while still descriptive enough to assuage initial questions and concerns, it doesn't hurt that the very first assignments I would have any "students" complete would be reading the syllabus in perusall or another digital annotation tool, precisely to answer and discuss portions of the syllabus and see what I had missed and could be improved. I am also thinking of how to develop a contract-grading style and working it into the syllabus even though the course requires me to have "graded" assignments. I assume I have the discretion on how to implement said grading. But this is boring grad school journalin' stuff.

    I really wanted to talk about how I wasn't prepared to feel my feelings brought about by parenthood. I drank this dark chocolate, peanut and vanilla stout at 11.8% alcohol by volume and what does my low-tolerance havin' ass do? Scroll through my Instagram which at this point is nothing but baby pictures of both my kids. When my wife comes down with the baby to put him down, she finds me bawling at how quickly my firstborn has grown into this amazing 3-year-old "big boy" as he calls himself. With dreams of being tall like his dad, and wanting to go to school. I covered my 3-month-old baby in wet kisses and then let her go into the room and put him down.

    Then yesterday, my firstborn likes to chase me around the house and I was downstairs doing chores. I'm putting away clothes and taking a break drinking water. He goes "you are my daddy!" and I asked him "what does that mean to you?" and he goes "It makes me happy". I can't tell you how happy I was to be sober at that moment cause I would have broken down into a mirthful, tearful, mess.

    Oh, and baby is now at the point where he is about to start holding the bottle by himself, so now I am reading my kindle while he holds the bottle, and I use my other hand to keep it at a nice angle of flow.

    Good Labor Day weekend, 5/5 would recommend.