'Cause that just sounds even less appetizing than Mayomust (which itself is an awful sounding combination).
Then again, this is the company that seriously sells a similar product here called "Hanch" which sounds like the sound my cat makes before he pukes, so who the fuck knows. Most efficient distribution of resources etc
They probably wanted to keep the name scheme of “Mayochup” but realized “Mayotard” sounds like a slur
I fully admit it's not cool, but holy shit can you imagine the anti-chud memes we could have made out of that?
How about "mustonnaise" - a direct translation of "mostaneza"
That sounds like the fifth humour
Brother, we're talking about mayo hybrids. They're never not going to sound like bodily fluids.
'Cause that just sounds even less appetizing than Mayomust (which itself is an awful sounding combination).
Then again, this is the company that seriously sells a similar product here called "Hanch" which sounds like the sound my cat makes before he pukes, so who the fuck knows. Most efficient distribution of resources etc
HANCH :screm: