AntipastoAktion [they/them]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: January 12th, 2021


  • I know colonizer larping, but at least I get a relatively honest vibe from Townsends. Like his interest in colonial history only really seems to extend to just the day to day life, rather than a focus on the colonial aspect of it. He did do a number of cooking videos in regards to the life and food of the enslaved, and is very honest about the fact that Washington was a slave-owner.

    Guess just saying that there could be far worse out there for historical interpretation, though I think that's cause he doesn't explicitly get political, so lord knows if he's got chud views or not.

  • The capitalism it portrays fundamentally is just normal capitalism without any of the pretenses: it strips away the niceties of the imperial core and dials up the fascist death cult shit to the point where violence is a constant facet of life, but all the corruption and brutality that maintain capitalist hegemony are just done out in the open instead of behind closed doors or off in the periphery, far from the doorsteps of the people giving the orders.

    I think it's this bit that loses me with their attempt at critique. Like part of capitalism's horror is the mask, trying to keep things as livable as possible for as long as possible, trying to sell you on the positives. Like yeah, you know the slop you're eating is corn syrup and microplastics, but you get sold on warm advertising and nostalgic brands, whereas in Cyberpunk 2077 they throw it all out and just go "Yeah you're eating a bar of microplastics, what of it, piggie?" It kinda adds deniability to it for G*mers to go "Well see it's not actually capitalism because capitalism isn't that bad" even though it fundamentally is the same.

    Then again G*mers can't understand subtlety so fair enough.

  • It's a full out kitchen that you have hidden away, usually behind the main kitchen. It's the kitchen that gets dirty and has all the cooking smells and stuff within it, the other kitchen is kept spotless with the highest tier appliances possible in order to show off to other petit boug types.

  • I get just... incredibly mad at the people who, despite not needing to wear them anymore (mask mandates ended here ages ago), still continue to wear a mask incorrectly. Like what even is the fucking point. Either wear that shit the right way, or don't wear it. Seeing so many people in public transport wearing it around their chin, or under their nose. It's fucking annoying.

  • This shit actually helped break me out of the liberal mindset.

    Like, the entire concept of North Korea supposedly faking stuff is so inherently full of contradictions that it just kinda broke through for me. Okay, here's this country that thinks everyone hates them, but will apparently fake everything to please its visitors, even though it's aware those visitors know it's fake? Like, what's the fucking point? The people who run the fakes have to know that hwhite tourists don't think it's real, so what would be the point, to try and convert one random white bougie tourist to Juche, and spread it out to the masses?

    Soon as that clicked the communist egg cracked for me, and once you see the propaganda for what it is you just can't stop it.

  • The thing that's been nibbling at me about the Javelins is something a commenter here pointed out in one of the Ukraine megathreads:

    We still have yet to see a Javelin used. Like for all the propaganda and hooting and hollering about how based the Javelins are and cope cages and all that... there's not been (at least I haven't seen anyway, I may be talking out of my ass) a video of some Ukranians dunking on a T-72 with a Jav, or posing with one after a kill, or anything. Just wrecked tanks we're told were Javelin'd, and the cope cage meme.

  • AntipastoAktion [they/them]tomemesalone
    2 years ago

    This kinda shit is why I'm so seemingly anti-social. I have ASD and the fact that there's all these unwritten rules about social interactions is absurd, I have no idea how neurotypical folks handle this :blob-no-thoughts: I sure as hell can't manage it.