• Rusty Raven @aussie.zoneM
    9 months ago

    Tree is done. I'm pretty pleased with the result, although it does give me slight Dalek vibes

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  • just_kitten@aussie.zone
    9 months ago

    ✅ pulled an all nighter from 4pm to 7am and actually completed everything in the project with the hours given

    ✅ packed everything up and returned it all to the office

    ✅ actually had a good one on one reconciliatory chat with the boss who owned up to being severely burnt out and dropping the ball with staff - seriously planning to accelerate his retirement and handing over of the business

    ✅ still made it to the Christmas thing and actually enjoyed it - even won $50 - and had many long goodbyes, everything ending on a good note

    ✅ jammed in some last minute heavy grocery shopping on the way home despite insane traffic, and then dropped the car off elsewhere with 5 min to spare

    ✅ grabbed some brisling sardines on the way back for a simple repast of rice and fish

    ✅ almost caught up on messages, finally sinking into the couch; fully awake and engaged for 34 hours and counting...

    At long last, it is all done. And I am proud of myself for finally arriving here. I'm so happy that the slate is clean and I made it... Bring on the next chapter in the new year!!!

    But for now, an extremely well deserved sleep.

  • the_procrastinata@aussie.zone
    9 months ago

    *removed externally hosted image* *removed externally hosted image*

    Last two Christmas markets are both in Cologne. Cologne has a bunch of markets and we visited 4 of them. Our last day today was very wet and windy, so in the end it was a bit of a down day because we were a bit melancholy about our holiday finishing and having to head back to reality. It’s been an amazing trip and we’ve had such an incredible time.

    Best markets: Würzburg (our first proper Christmas market and it snowed, plus Ravenna Gorge and the medieval-themed market in Munich because it was just so much fun (there was an Irish folk band playing and the vibes were super fun).

  • CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone
    9 months ago

    Cheers everyone and Merry Christmas 🍺🧑‍🎄🎉🎁🎄🎁🎅🤶 🐖🥔🎀

    The man won this at the work party. Missed out on the coffee machine but it's Bailey's so not disappointed.

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  • Force_majeure123@aussie.zone
    9 months ago

    Trigger warning: self harm (historical)


    It took me a long time to be able to listen to this, but I just listened to my late friend's Spotify list.. he shared it with me a few months before he ended his life. It's only About 20 songs. One is Johnny Cash - Hurt, and that was the first that played when I plucked up the courage to listen. Fuck it hurts.

  • oztrin@aussie.zone
    9 months ago

    I thought I'd mentioned that Zooks caught a rat and then it escaped under the couch when she did the Yowl of Triumph, but that was when some of us were having login problems (including me).
    Well I thought it had escaped but either I somehow missed it or it came back and carked it under the other couch - not the one that I sit on but the one I've been using as a laundry folding station. I thought somethng smelt meaty, checked under the couch, and... yep.
    I loathe dealing with dead things but I couldn't really call the lawn guy at 10 at night and I didn't want to have it in the house overnight, so I got it outside and in the bin - after having to put it back in the bag after I thought it was gathered up and then realising the bag felt suspiciously light. Uggghhhhh.
    Eucalyptus oil is sprinkled on the spot, both loungeroom windows are open and the fan is on, and since I had washing on that couch, it's all in the washing machine - since the lot next door is vacant.
    Now I'm having one of the vodka cruisers I luckily bought today and am going to watch something fluffy and consoling.

  • bull⚡@aussie.zone
    9 months ago

    FUCKOFF FRIDAY: "Boxing Day Sales" are meaningless when they start before Boxing Day. I've seen several big-name stores saying BOXING DAY SALES NOW ON.. it's not Boxing Day. Same thing happened with "Black Friday" sales.

    I know it's kind of petty of me to be annoyed by this but if they're going to keep starting their 'X-Day' sales earlier and earlier to try and get a jump on getting customers before their competitors rather than actually competing on price, just scrap the concept entirely or call it a 'season' sale or something.

    • Nath@aussie.zone
      9 months ago

      I wasn't brave enough to buy this for anyone in my family, but I'd get this for you Bull if you came to Christmas:

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      • Duenan@aussie.zone
        9 months ago

        I wish I could use that at work.

        Guess they’ll have to settle on the look in my face.

      • Baku@aussie.zone
        9 months ago

        how did you upload a 15mb image? It always errors if I try to upload anything over like 5

        • Nath@aussie.zone
          9 months ago

          It's 15MB? Oh dear - pictrs is meant to sanitise these images before presenting them to Lemmy. That might need looking into.

        • Nath@aussie.zone
          9 months ago

          It was in Thingz, a store that's common in Perth but not in Melbourne. If you must have it, I can buy it and post it. I can't see it getting to you by Monday, though. 😔

          • PeelerSheila @aussie.zone
            9 months ago

            I like the idea of owning one but I actually have a full cupboard of cups, so I don't really need it. Yes, I talk myself out of impulsive purchases a lot ! Thankyou though, that's very kind of you to offer.

    • Catfish@aussie.zone
      9 months ago

      Yeah that can fuck right off. As can Xmas screensavers that make noise. If you aren’t in the room no need to torture everybody else! (Yes, this is an old one)

  • CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone
    9 months ago

    For anybody having a Christmas party today stay safe and have fun.

    *removed externally hosted image*

    Ps. I think you can take pics in portrait now.

    *removed externally hosted image*

    Yes you can! This is Christmas day 2015.

  • bacon@aussie.zone
    9 months ago

    i don't know how i can fall asleep tonight it's been so long so much happened i'm so so excited to see them again

    • CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone
      9 months ago

      My kid asked me if I was excited for Christmas and I told her I was excited for Christmas pudding and for it to be over. I was then called a grinch so that makes two of us.

    • Duenan@aussie.zone
      9 months ago

      I’m not doing Christmas with the family this year.

      Guess that makes me a Grinch too?

  • tone212_@aussie.zone
    9 months ago

    My end of work year tradition is going out for a burger and pint to celebrate the start of holidays. About to try Sonny’s in Carlton, inside the Curtin. Haven’t been here in ages, doesnt feel like it’s changed at all. Not every pub needs a bougie makeover.

  • Rusty Raven @aussie.zoneM
    9 months ago

    A big old lampshade was left at the food cupboard (some people seem to turn everywhere in to a dump site) and I grabbed it. Once I replace the cover with some netting it should be a perfect cabbage-moth free zone to grow some pak choy in.

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    • Seagoon_@aussie.zone
      9 months ago

      It's like something I would have made in the 80s. 🤓 I used to dye antique lace and get the really fancy frames.

      • Rusty Raven @aussie.zoneM
        9 months ago

        This is less antique lace and more cheap lace curtains like everyone used to have. It does have both fringe and tassels though, so it definitely would have been considered a bit fancy.

  • Baku@aussie.zone
    9 months ago

    Christmas miracle came early! Target just replied to a review I left 7 years ago

    on ya target 👍

    • dumblederp@aussie.zone
      9 months ago

      I thought you were 18? You dropping reviews at 11? Are you the kid who was in resi care until recently? Have i got my wires crossed?