This one got outside of the very online sphere. I have friends that still make 30-50 jokes do this day who don’t even have Twitter lol. All time great tweet
The tweet is referencing a question someone asked a presidential candidate at a debate. Everyone laughed at the person asking the question, and it's a huge moment rural people point to to show how urban libs don't understand anything about their life because it's a legit question. Large packs of aggressive wild hogs are a serious problem.
can't be nostalgic if i think of it every day :think-about-it:
I love the image of him blasting 30-50 hogs in his back yard. Whole place looks like a level from Doom after, just dripping w viscera.
It's a good meme but hogs are actually breeding like crazy in some parts to the extent that it's actually dangerous
The funny part to me is that he thinks he can accurately kill these 30-50 hogs with an assault rifle with such precision that his small children would survive the raining down of bullets.
I'm sure it's very easy to aim at moving targets when your children are panicking.
My children singing "my little armelite" as they march toward the hog invaders.
Go on home, feral hogs, go on home, Have you got no fucking homes of your own?
If you knew me this would be a very funny comment to make.
Because I don't think the average person could take down 30-50 feral hogs in their backyard with an assault rifle without also hitting their children?
Have you ever shot a gun? Hitting a moving target is difficult. Hitting 30-50 moving targets while also avoiding similarly sized moving targets is impossible. Lmao.
I can't tell if I'm getting trolled here.
Ya'll both are wild. Feral hogs are fucking huge and would absolute obliterate any children that the shooter didn't hit first before you could even make a dent in a group of them.
I can't believe I'm even debating this its crazy. Lol
The reasonable response to feral hogs is a coordinated culling effort combined with deterrents and barriers, not to let chuds roam around their yards with assault weapons, hoping to get a chance to go Rambo on them.
I mean states did do this, just through providing bounties to private companies, using the power of the market.
Incidentally the hog population actually increased after they started paying by the hog, for some reason.
Sure it'll be fixed soon though!
You've got to love the efficiency of innovative free market entrepreneurship.
Or we do my cool plan of introducing lions to the environment where there are hogs
eagles, and before you ask to get rid of the eagles we get hogs that will eat their eggs
before i thought he just pulled something out of his ass, but his response to the situation is indeed funny
aunt's dog was killed by javelina (small, aggressive feral pigs) in arizona while she unloaded groceries.
Why was your aunt's dog unsupervised and outside in Arizona? There are so many bobcats and mountain lions and falcons that will fuck up dogs there that when I lived in AZ, I was always told to keep small pets inside when not directly supervising them.
If you were a martial arts expert you could wrestle those hogs and make 'em tap out.
If I was in one of those horror movies, I'd just shoot all the zombies, not run like all those losers!
This is a lesson for fellas to know your own value. This man off the cuff knows he can handle 10 hogs a minute. You change that to deer, armadillos, bobcats, it does not matter. The math will not fail him.
What tickles me is the idea of the feral hogs being coordinated enough to not run away when he starts killing them. If the hogs are really doing a WW1 style going over the trench attack on his position in the face of machine gun fire, I would recommend unconditional surrender. Pay your war reparations to the feral hogs!
The great thing about the feral gig argument is that they where primarily spread through our north America by hunters that wanted to hunt pig.
Nah, the quake engine couldn't handle that many 3d rendered hogs onscreen at once, they live in one of the charmingly racist Build Engine games.