• SerLava [he/him]
    3 years ago

    :isaac-pog: :lenin-pogger: :ferret-poggers: :che-poggers: :xi-pog: :pog-dolphin: :elephant-pog: :quagsire-pog: :cmnd-marcos-pog: :assad-pogger:

  • Teekeeus
    4 months ago

    deleted by creator

    • emizeko [they/them]
      3 years ago

      iirc he broke ranks with the Bush Admin on the Iraq War, one of the marginally less awful libs I guess

  • RobotnikFeminism [they/them]
    3 years ago

    Wilkerson appears on TheAnalysis.news a couple times a month to expose the sheer insanity inside the pentagon and State Department, warn about the dangers of the new Cold War and nuclear weapons, and he openly critiques capitalism and uses the C-word while doing it. He's good, folks. Literally the only member of the Bush administration who doesn't deserve their head of a pike.

    • Sushi_Desires
      3 years ago

      Such a shame that therealnewsnetwork suffered a liberal coup over their newsroom. I'm glad that Paul Jay is back out here trying to help keep us educated

      • RobotnikFeminism [they/them]
        3 years ago

        TheAnalysis is such a life-saver. TRNN was my go-to news source for a decade+. I was completely lost for that half year span after Marc Steiner took over but before Jay, Sharmini Peries, and Greg Wilpert started TheAnalysis. I have no idea why, among online hard leftists here and elsewhere, The Real News (before it liberalized) and TheAnalysis have never garnered the attention that the more succdem/proglib outlets get. Yeah, it's dry, but if you can watch an ex-Bernie staffer spend 2 hours talking about electoral libshit, you can watch a 5-part series of Gerald Horne discussing slavery or Bill Black laughing about Wall Street.

        I only occasionally check up on TRNN. I think they still have Taya Graham doing the Police Accountability report, which is awesome. Eddie Conway's stuff is good, but he's basically a part-timer. I liked Dharna Noor's climate stuff (I think that's her name), and I think she's still there.

        My only complaint with TheAnalysis is that Sharmini is completely behind the scenes. I miss her cheery demeanor while reporting on banking fraud and military coups.

    • Lil_Revolitionary [she/her,they/them]
      3 years ago

      and uses the C-word while doing it

      its nice that he's against imperialism but idk if the misogynist slurs are necessary :very-smart:



    • emizeko [they/them]
      3 years ago

      genuine thank you, didn't know most of that as I had last really checked on him in like 2010

  • kissinger
    2 years ago

    deleted by creator