• a_maoist_quetzal [he/him]
    3 years ago

    i read the whole statement and is there some place i'm missing where she actually says why she changed her vote?

    all I see is objections to the bill and the procedure, some mention of a tinderbox of vitriol, and I conspicuously didn't see a point where she says "and that's why despite claiming to oppose this bill I didn't vote against it".

    unless the mewling over procedure is supposed to mean "since we couldn't have an open debate i decided to just wash my hands of the whole thing and take no position," which is just... breathtaking

    • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
      3 years ago

      No, she says nowhere why she made the decision to change her vote from no to present, nor does she acknowledge having made that decision.

      • Haste_Hall [he/him]
        3 years ago

        The obvious answer is that it's a result of pressure by the Zionist, pro-Israel lobby, which is particularly strong in NYC in particular.

        And because American politics is fucking stupid and completely co-opted by Zionist interests, she can't even dare to mention that.

        What has Jamaal Bowman said about his YES vote, btw?

      • activated [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Go back and read the second page of it, last paragraph.

        Basically she is claiming that people in her community were reacting with horror at the idea that she might cast a No vote to a near unanimous vote to fund something Israel can afford if it wanted to.

        Further, she's claiming that her hand was forced because mean congress people rushed the vote. That had she had (in her words) a few hours to open communication, she could have addressed this. But that since everyone else abused process by rushing its vote, she had to placate the hysterical zionist voters.

        This is obviously bullshit. It's especially obvious since she originally DID vote No until Pelosi had a word with her on the floor, at which point she changed it.

        So she's a lying piece of shit.